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Posts posted by shadoes

  1. One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier reply-- try to find a local angle. Not every neighborhood had a local pirate, but it helps if you can tie it in to places the kids know.

    I was fortunate enough to work down the street from Captain Kidd's house in New York. That got kids' attention! Now, considerably further south, I can tell them about Sir Francis Drake and Captain Searles.

    It really shocks kids to know that, not only were pirates real, but they lived and worked right where the kids are today.

    Know any Oklahoman pirates? :lol:

  2. Talking to kids is no problem. I have done kids stuff for years.

    Again good advice all. I have 30 minutes to talk so we'll see how much I can work in. Hmm need to get to the library before hand and see what books on pirates they have since this little ren fair is at a library :)

  3. Age range will vary wildly. This is a local Ren Fair put on for the last couple of years currently targeted at kids. But there will be all walks there.

    I had planned to tell them some of the differences between what the movies show us as life on board ship and some of the recorded realities. As well as point out the dress of a typical pirate. The modern criminal analogy was one I had planned to use.

    Great advice so far :) Thanks all who have replied and thanks to those that will reply.

  4. Okay you have 30 minutes at a childrens event to discuss the life of pirates. Basically showing the difference between the Hollywood image and reality. What facts would you work in?

    I actually am in the process of putting a presentation like this together and could use all the help I can get :)

  5. scaboots are popular with my friends. Renboots are popular with my stage combat buddies. I have a pair of these

    Jolly Rogers

    Ultra comfortable but pricey. I wore a pair of Renboots Edwards for years before getting this earlier this year. The edwards look just like the Lancelot's on the page only they have an zipper on the inside of ankle.

  6. pictures would be great.

    When you say small stripes what do you mean exactly? half inch? quarter inch? 16th of inch? and does that for for pants as well as shirts?

    I don't think there is any hard and fast rule for stripes, as the evidence I have seen is varied (which isn't vast, as I'm still pretty much a beginner as well).

    I think if you stuck in the quarter to half inch range you would be good, although wider and possibly narrower would work as well.

    Well the cloth that I have has one inch stripes on it. I know the cloth itself isn't period. It will work for Ren work though easily.

  7. Ahh nice thread. I have recently gotten involved with a group of singers that will hopefully be doing both Ren Fairs and more historical events which brings me to a need to get a more historically accurate kit(Already have a decent Ren Fair set hehe) and so need to find what the bare bones I can get is. Great stuff.

  8. Shadoes dear, you must be more careful! Hernias are NOT good at all and to have three already this year!! Take care of yourself, get rest (if you can) and we'll see you at the next fest.


    Here's a odd twist for you.. surgeon says no..not a hernia.. kidney stone... so on the bright side don't have to give up anything activity wise... on the down side.. I shall spend time crying like a baby hehe. But hey.. this to shall pass...(badabum)

  9. Alas I will not be able to attend this fair. I have other commitments for three Sundays this June and so a 3 hour drive twice in a day would not be good. Especially with my 3rd friggin hernia this year I have developed.

  10. I read thru the sticky but for some reason for me none of the example pictures show up. Not sure why. But I will certainly check it out again. In all likelyhood I will be learning to use a machine. I know from hand sewing leather my hands can;t take much. Left overs from severe Carpel Tunnel.

    hmm haversack...good idea..need a new one anyway :)

  11. If a person were going to try to teach themselves to sew a few bits of clothing what would you reccomend they start with? I have a mind to expand my abilities a bit and hopefully in the long run save a little money :)

  12. lets see... Scarlet's Is In January and just passed.

    Norman Medieval Fair is last weekend in March

    Oklahoma Ren Fest in Muskogee is all the weekends in May

    Stroud's King Arthur Fair is early Oct.

    Tulsa also has a small Ren Fair toward the end of summer.

    Couple of other tiny startup affairs that may or may not happen this year.

  13. Instead of starting a new thread I will just post in this one :) Scarlet's was this past weekend and much fun was had, wenches tamed(well attempted anyway), Rum consumed, swashes buckled!!. Anyway good to meet up with a couple folks from here.


    Capt. Edward Black

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