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Everything posted by Kenneth

  1. Haven't pirated lately, feeling restless..

  2. I love Sarah, she'll make your shoes how ever you tell her..
  3. Still no brave souls to join us. We truely are on the "wrong" coast. Anyone in the Kern County / Bakersfield Area? PM me.
  4. Heading to Long Beach Pyrate festival tomorrow, camping with the double cross....still haven't found any new members in Kern Co. that feel like hand sewing..Been on tall ships, blown onion bottles, folded musket barrels and forging parts for flintlocks now. this hobby is consuming my life. Read so many books, I won't even discuss anything about the golden age unless it's with Chris...I should have just joined a civil war unit... Anyways, anyone in our area, you're welcome to join in on the madness, if there are any out there, drop us a line.
  5. What an adventure! I'll recap tonite!
  6. I checked weather underground and it says we might have a cool weekend. high 81 fri, 74 on Sat and 67 on Sunday. 20% chance of rain...with lows in the mid 40's at night. Good thing I re waxed my tent sheet!
  7. Well any weather less hotter than Ojai in September will be welcomed..I always feel like a piece of jerky after that event...See you scallywags in a week and a bit.
  8. were ready...i hope 40 pounds of powder is enough.
  9. No one else going? Wow! Maybe we are on the "wrong" coast...Wheres all the people? Maybe they all moved out of California? Should I google "Pirate festivals Kansas" and see where everyone went?
  10. Can't wait to see those rum onions!! Is it just me or does rum taste better out of an onion bottle?
  11. Now i'm getting really excited! Is there any water in that park for our long boats?
  12. Plundering, You had me at rum.....can't wait to hang out with everyone. We dontr have a facebook, maybe I should make one. I went on the Tales site and checked the board..i'll find you on facebook Ransom. It'll be a small crew for us in Fresno, but it's quality right?
  13. Are any of the Tales crew coming? They're a blast....
  14. Kern Co. pyrates are heading up to Fresno California for this two day event. It's our first time at this one, can't wait, anyone else going? I think its anything goes and I am sure that any lover of pyrates or any thing nautical will have fun...plus we get to blow off our cannons and try out our 3 new swivies..sweet! http://www.queenbessandthepyrates.com/ 6th Annual Queen Bess and the Pyrates May 14th and 15th, 2011 ~ 10am to 6pm Saturday, 10am to 5pm Sunday. Location ~ Roeding Park, Fresno California.
  15. Finding crew members......very hard. Where are all the people near Bakersfield?
  16. Thank you Elena!!
  17. Thanks you guys!! I spent the day at Disneyland riding Pirates all day with the family and Casket Chris's family. Very fun.
  18. Living in Bakersfield California, thats all there is besides Cowboys. I hear that everytime we go anywhere at least by two or three people. The Cannon bit is the one that gets me.. I would like them a lot more if they would just admit they really don't know much about the GaOP..instead they just talk for an hour themselves.
  19. Couldn't help myself. I hear this conversation everytime were out an about so I made a video...hope you can relate.. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/7594683
  20. Kenneth


    Too pretty for me! Got a folder made by Patrick.....it's my working knife.
  21. Eye's not comin! Rats! And Ransom and Chainshot, are ye not goin? Jaysus! We'll be camping with The Alliance of the Double cross if any pub members want a beer bought for them thats where I'll be (or walking around) it would be nice to run into a few of the members from here!!
  22. Im currently sitting in the Bunratty Castle Hotel lobby in Shannon, Ireland waiting to fly home and go to the Ojai pyrate faire...and get some taco bell.
  23. Its true, I love ice cream. There I said it..lol! Eye, I'll keep a lookout for you.. and Ransom, this year we better at least get to sit down with tales and drink a bit of rum with ya'll.... ; )
  24. its almost here!!! Whoo hoo!!
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