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Bess Hagarty

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Everything posted by Bess Hagarty

  1. Yes, I've seen the movie and enjoyed it thoroughly! The use of Turkish influence is not uncommon during the early to mid-17th century. Vermeer did several paintings with turkish influence and was known to have possession of clothing. In the Netherlands as well, Persian and Turkish fashions had captured the imagination of many artists and a variety of turbans make their appearance regularly in a number of artists' works including including Rembrandt and Michael Sweerts.
  2. Well ... if you're portraying a mid-17th century Dutch woman, MAYBE it's correct. Apparently it's thought this may not have been created as a literal portrait and at any rate, it's pretty exotic looking. (but hey! so are pirates!) Very good question Jenny! The date of this famous paiting is 1665. This is a tad bit early for the Golden Age of Piracy and it is good to note as you did so well; that this painting could have been artistic license or the artist’s interpretation of the object he/she painted. Ladies, do keep in mind that this was common place during the late 17th up to the mid-1800s. I think this topic of discussion was posting here on the pub once before. Artists were known to paint women is period gowns/dress that were not the current fashion. So what may look like a painting of the 1680s could very well be off several years! Please keep that in mind when looking at woman's attire for the time period.
  3. There be no one quite like my Nick. He’s a fearless man that he be. You should see ‘im at the cannon! And all through the event he were giving me looks that made my face flush red. I am smitten, I am!
  4. A very happy birthday to you Croaker. I hope it was a good one!
  5. Bess sneeks out from the Captain's cabin and hands over a bottle of large absinthe to Mae. Happy Birthday to you, Miss....and this time...if your ears start to burn...just drink more!
  6. Oi! Blesssings to you on this day! ... (aside)...now...off to wish your sister the same! Have fun, laugh and enjoy!
  7. Hmmm…We are very lucky to live in the 21st Century, aren’t we? If it were the late 17th/early 18th century, the law would mostly likely be English Law and you would be ‘burned in the hand’ for the crime. Thank heavens things have changed.
  8. Oooo! Movies! Very well...I'll bring the popcorn!
  9. Whoo Hoo! Another 9 years and my term of indenturedship will be over with! I cannot wait.
  10. Very well...(shrug... ), but perhaps you will share your secret with me after my indenturship is over with. I be looking for a husband soon enough.
  11. He tried to hide...he tried to go unnoticed...but how can you not notice such a sweet face?!
  12. Capture of gun number one. The second gun is a harrowing tale and a lady never tells her secrets. Come now! We've been waiting three full days for this tale! Do tell...PLEASE
  13. Dutch, How did the fundraising go for the CSF at the Blackbeard Pirate Fest?
  14. God's Teeth, Woman! This isn't a beauty contest! How would you like to toil over a hot pot of some sort of crud for 12 hours a day?!
  15. I knew it! I even went back to read the thread to be sure! Wow tis amazing and very regal! You will look bewitching! My wee one likes it but she has assured me I cannot wear it as it is a collectible item..I have taught her to well... Well, do tell you're little one that Mistress McKinney only demands the best. She being a bit vain in her appearence will be the very down fall of my poor Master. (**SIGH**) Besides, when she's not about, I like to try on some of her finery...did you know she's got a matching muff, too?! Shameful, she is!
  16. A Damn Fyne Pyrate...
  17. Oooo! Cannot wait for the telling of those tales, Kate. As far as you smelling funny...what do you expect?! Tis your own damn fault for sharing the drive with a 'wet dogge'!
  18. Hmm…now that be a good question! (Bess ponders a bit). I do manage the kitchen and the buttery for Captain Sterling. He gives me an allowance to furnish the household with goods and stocks of meats. (Turns and looks over her shoulder to see if the Captain is about). But there be many a penny saved if you know how to haggle with the Butcher and the Baker. Tis a sin what the Butcher charges for a side of mutton not to mention the price for a loaf of bread! I dare say that pig trotters are just as good and when mixed in a stew, who would be the knowing of it? Day old bread along with cheap port and a few moldy potatoes…no one knows the difference?! With the money I save the household…I can manage to steal away for a trip or two…and the Captain need not know of any of this. Snugs the word!
  19. Fancy that?!? I was ravished by mercenaries! Lucky gal that I am!
  20. Of course, Sean...and Joshua too. I guess I'll end up cooking for all the crewe! Here, do you think rusty bacon and beans will do?
  21. Oh My...Here, I think I have a liniment that will set you right as rain! Now...this won't hurt as much as the fall did...
  22. Here I come to save thee Cap... Wait...now that become a suethsayer/midwife/healer...I might as well look after your sick wife first. Last we left her she was throwing up like crazy! Hmm..what to do...what to do...what to do!!!
  23. Thank you Ransom...Bess is quite a handful...just ask poor young Mr. Davis and Master Swanson!
  24. Shouts down into the cellar..." Serves ye right, Mr. Davis! I should have beaten thee with me broom or spoon before I tossed ya down into that pit!" Wipes her hands upon her apron. "Now...where did I put that spoon?" I put up with no guff! Lookie here at the last man who pushed his luck
  25. Abbi looked about the cottage. “No sign of the two of them anywhere?” She said to herself. “My word, if I were young and fancied another, where would I be off to?” In addition, with that Abbi shut the cottage door behind her. Bess suddenly realized that young Mr. Davis was a bit more randy than she had come to realize. It was bad enough stealing away from Abbi to the old Mill, but now she found herself lying with him amongst the bales and sacks of finished stock and trying her best to stay a ‘good girl’. “Nathan?” She whispered in between kisses. “Do you not wish to go back to the cottage? I am sure that Abbi will be…” “Shh…” was all he said. Young Mr. Davis did stop, but only to removed Bess’ cap and let her hair flow freely. “Very pretty.” He whispered softly before he claimed another kiss. It didn’t take long before Bess found herself within his embrace once more. Abbi slowly opened the door to the Mill walked slowly down the narrow pathway towards the stone. She held lamp high and continued towards the strange sounds coming from the stockpile. As Abbi held up her lamp, she quickly startled the young couple. “Here! We’ll have none of that here!” Both Bess and young Mr. Davis quickly sat up from the sacks that they laid on. With hair tussled, shirt a skewed, and stays half-undone they quickly gathered themselves together. “I am ashamed at the two of you!” Said Abbi turning her back so the two of them could claim themselves decent. “In the mill…of all things!” Once again Abbi shook her head. “And to think I have a perfectly good room upstairs for such a thing. All you two had to do is ask.”
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