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ViVi Trottsky

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About ViVi Trottsky

  • Birthday 12/11/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    Philly, PA
  • Interests
    About me.<br>5'9, Skinny.<br>14.<br>Interests below.<br><br>Studying Japanese Language and Culture<br><br>Being a nerd, or geek, whichever.<br><br>Pyrates!!! All the time!<br>
  1. Like I said thar in the sub topic I didn't know wharelse to put this so if it be in the wrong place feel free to move it. Red Pyrate Shirt Do yee think its a good or bad deal? There also be white and black to choose from, which color should I get? For me costume I'll have one of those shirts, black jeans, boots, one of my many bandanas, and hopefully a tricorner hat I saw on that same site. TRICORNER HAT Bad or good deal? Thank the for yee help. -ViVi
  2. Ahoy! How be things? I love the webcomic my man!
  3. I be right outside of Filthydelfia,(Philly) Downingtown to be exact! Findin' a crew would be ideal for maself! I wish I had known 'bout the PARF's Pirate weekend. I was thar this past weekend talkin' to a fellow pyrate and he told me all about it.
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