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Everything posted by Filch

  1. i guess that makes you a charmer but as for me im not otherwise i would have fallen for that charm
  2. ye be right there macstink, alas it was a tradgedy but i guess no i.t teacher is nothing really
  3. (posh accent) well master mcbaracle at least i am one who has had a good education
  4. but when the charmer is being charmed by another charmer then how do you know that the charmed is in fact the charmer ill be very impressed if you understood that
  5. Ahoy once more i couldnt agree anymore that yes i am a charmer but i know how to use it and i always make sure i use it wisley
  6. what be an impertinence, last time i checked im sure it was a type of alcoholic beverage
  7. now wot be giving you that impression young mistress
  8. does any1 go on this page now or not
  9. Ahoy there again m8tys i just be wondering now if there be any good steals, i mean deals over at legoland while we be there.
  10. what be a rouge? if ye mind me asking
  11. sorry about that , to much rum makes the fingers awfully clumsy, i meant to say those young rascals
  12. ahoy there absoloutly right about those roung rascals but as for me i think an exeption can be made.
  13. this 1 was the first 1 i done but then i modified it into the popular 1 it is
  14. aha just be kiddin ya there mad dog. ye have no fleas or so i think. have a rum on me
  15. Ahoy there lil ming i be filch, i be well aquanted with your uncle, for you see i plunder and pillage along side him. ill be taking a rum thanks mistress. oh and ive heard many a daring tale about you
  16. Ahoy there me hartys i hope to be seein ya at legoworld(land) mad dog. lets just hope ye fleas dont spread over the ship.
  17. Ahoy there mad dog I hope that ye not be forgeting the gold ye owe me to. youve got yourdelf into a lot of debt now and if ye not be payin then ye might find yourselve stuck on an island with nothing but a pistol by your side. Filch has spoken
  18. Ahoy just be sayin now guys dat i be no bilge rat any more
  19. I guess you havnt heard then master macbarnacle, i got brownie and my monkey slipped and, well how can i say this but brownie wont be making any more musket balls. (unless i dreamed the whole thing)
  20. Ah its good to see so many people trying to unlock the secrets of a pyrates heart. I hope ye carry on talking p.s: flowers arnt good especially if there poisonous
  21. Argh!!!!! I be doin no slave work for no lilly livred pirate. i be making your ammunition as well remember, no filch, no musket balls!!! i hope ye change your mind for ye own sakes Filch Out
  22. Ah thanks there mistress kass ill take a double whisky cheers
  23. im sorry i drank to much rum and im feeling a little giddy
  24. Would it help if i said it wasnt me?
  25. Ahoy there shipmates A few moons ago i was thinkin of the many ways to get to a pyrates heart And then i realised: 10 bottles of rum a lot of manipulation and a little bit of Filch charm If you know of any other ways to a pyrates heart than please let me know (Im on a mistress hunt) Filch
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