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Everything posted by Filch

  1. Very skilled hands, The
  2. Ill be counting the days
  3. Fly away from his
  4. Hey Kass :-) long time no speak.... huge hugs nkisses.... can't wait till your spring appearance
  5. certainly will do scrounger
  6. Well I be probaly corrupt in one way and as for the tale heres how it goes: It be the fifth day of me perilless jounney when on the port side i begin to see a strange fog building up in the distance. Now at first i thought nothing of it as I had seen many a fog storm but this one was strange in its own right for it moved towards me leaving nothing infront or behind. I peered under the water and to my shock I saw the KRAKEN. It was 500 feet long and 250 foot wide. instead of warning my shipmates I took the only life boat and sailed away as I saw my shipmates be devoured by the beast. Indead I should have warned my mates but then again I did get away with all the booty. There be my tale. Every word is true and prestine down to the last letter. Pirates promise
  7. This tale is one
  8. hey guys as the title suggests you make and carry on a story 4 words at a time. simple for even the dumbest pirate.lmao
  9. Ah kass you know your welcome to spank me whenever you like as I said at legoland 'i come giftwrapped' lmao talk to you soon
  10. I belive you were looking for your rum master scrounger. I know were to find it. look no further though cos i took all the rum in the vacinity and although inequaltiy and independability has no inconspiquos saying in the matter well i like rum and i drank it lol
  11. Ahoy sorry i didnt tell any of you but i been very busy and as for the ship well there was an accident involving me and a well known beast named the kraken I be fine though I left the boat just before it struck. TALK TO YE SOON oh and much abliged for the drinks
  12. oh how does it go. Ah yes close your eyes think of me and soon youll be in my arms. Yes i think thats how it goes
  13. well mistress kass mabye one can teach you
  14. For the first time foxe I must agree with you. I might be young but living with pirates for 11 years does teach you some things
  15. AAAARRRRGGGGHHGHGHGH I be back and badder than ever. I be sailing over the oceans for weeks and not one sip of rum so i call to thee will thy buy one grouseme pirate a drink Ahah I hope to be talking to ye all soon
  16. Ah if i can find any than they shall be sent straight to you my good man
  17. ahoy there mateys I be reporting from legoland on an illeagal tranmission saying that we have succsefully invaded legoland and that we have many a plan to unfold. drinks all round
  18. ah that be a shame about the NO FILCHING rule for i was hoping to get something for one of me winches (its her birthday on monday)nevermid hey drinks all round
  19. ahoy there i be hounered dat you be calling me a sir but please just call me your royleness
  20. nothings wrong, just had to much rum agai. bit like if i have to much whisky i call for my mum
  21. I be wondering, in legoland what are we allowed and not allowed to do (will i be able to do some harmless filching)
  22. LIL MING, where are you, i need you!!! (being a bit dramatic there but never mind)
  23. I know of a VERY effective cure for snake poison, learnt it off of a witch doctor. 1 prt water 2 prts paracetamol 2 prts orange juice
  24. May I put across three very important points: 1) The conversation is drifting away from legoland and more on personal issues so could we all get back on the issue involved. 2)The spelling mistakes regarding Mac.B is delibrate as i know it winds him up. 3) May i propose that we continue this conversation over on the forum intitled "calling sheppey pirates" That will be all. Filch out.
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