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Everything posted by smoolie671

  1. Also note that the pictures where they are not wearing "boots", the stockings are decidedly a very light color and not baggy, where the other pictures show a dark color and more boot-like.
  2. When turned down at the knee, a pair of gators would for all intents and purposes look like bucket top boots from no more than a few feet away. Also I thought it was the smuglers trying to break in. Interesting either way.
  3. I was searching the web for something off topic when I stumbled upon this website: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/17563/17563...3-h/17563-h.htm As I scrolled through I found some curious pictures of what appears as men in bucket topped boots. Then I found several more. Now in all fairness I have to wonder if they are actually wearing gators. It could be interpreted either way. They are certainly not of the "Sparrow" variety, but they look quite interesting none the less. Tell me what you think.
  4. The Xebec is not quite what I'm looking for. I have even seen square rigged Xebec ships, but what I'm looking for is different. I have seen a handfull of pictures of what looked like regular "ship rigged" vessels but when you look closer they are the polacre rig, and the descriptions also attest to that fact. I seem to have read something about the French using them alot. I wasn't able to get the dates that they were used though.
  5. I'm trying to find out if the "POLACRE rig" is something that would have been used to any great extent in the GAOP time frame. Basicly it was a ship that looked like a standard "ship rigged" vessel, but upon closer inspection it didn't have masts that were stepped. Instead the masts were one long unbroken section top to bottom. Additionaly, the standing rigging was arranged in such a way to allow the yards/squares to lay closer to the center line of the vessel. In this way it was said to be able to point closer to the wind. I would think that this ability would have caught the attention of a pirate crew looking to have an advantage over your prey and or long arm of the law.
  6. Well if yer lookin fer a good ship, let me know. I build em! here be the web site.... ulyscustomplunder.itgo.com
  7. For those of you interested in owning you own pirate ship, I have also embarked on a new "ship" building business. Just so you know, I'm not tryin to take away from any one else here that is doin the same. Just so were square. Ulyscustomplunder.itgo.com The site has some pop ups, so be ware. I'm plannin to pay em to stop them nasty little things in the very near future. The cannon ye see thar is just a spud gun mounted on a carriage. It does NOT use black powder, jest so ye don't get yer pretty underthings in a twist. She does make a thunderous CRACK! I also makes the air cannon version where you simply add air and a touch of flour down the barrel. This version be fer the quiet pirates sailin in them more publik areas where big booms might get them a dance doin the hempen jig. If'n ye be interested let me know what ye think.
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