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Artemis Pepper

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Everything posted by Artemis Pepper

  1. soon as i can get my hands on a digital cam, i sure will
  2. Just got me hat from jastown, and boy is she purtey! Artemis
  3. Itsa verrre nyce! Yup, definately want one....need to get a fresh photo though, have added alot to me garb since the last.
  4. Happy Birthday, Capt. Weaver! May yer plunderin be plentiful!
  5. Ahoy- Well, in me collection me has: firing and non-firing flintlocks powder horns some armor and garb from the movie The 13th Warrior viking swords runes cutlasses hrm lemmesee...oh yeah, i collect dragons too just started me hunt for pieces o eight... and me collect different types of absinth (the real stuff)
  6. Woohoo!
  7. anyone know where i can find a rubber stamp imprint of an 8 reale? trying to make some reale's out of resin for a pirate party i'm going too, and a stamp that would imprint into a clay mold would make things oh so much easier. Artemis
  8. Just finished 2 light weight frock coats, made em outta rough rayon...nice and light weight for the humid weather we gets here in wisconsin. Next project is a heavy weight coat, canvas....mmmm Artemis
  9. Well, ye can also make yer own garb, if'n ye can sew, and have access to a sewing machine that is. I just made 2 frock coats for under $40, weatherd em in the back yard, and i do have to say, they look pretty darn nice :) Just use wut ya got. Me sash is made from an old linnen bed sheet I'm sure ye'll find it easier than ye think! Artemis
  10. I'd be interested in one also!
  11. Capnwilliam- she shoots nice!...had to make a minor adjustment on the toutch hole, seems it wasn't quite big enuff, but after that she went off with a bang...hehe
  12. She's finished, only thing is i don't have access to a digi-cam atm. Going out to me mates farm today to blast off a few hundred rounds or so, i'll let ye know how she sounds.
  13. Just ordered meself a new tricorn from these fyne folks....will let you know when it arrives.
  14. aye, lemme look rq..... #51 = $64 #50 = #83 hope that helps! Artemis
  15. Well, I finished staining me .45 last night. I chose a red mahogany stain. The first coat went on mostly a light brown color and i was a lil disappointed with the color. After that dried, I gave 'er a 2nd run with the stain, and WOW....the color is beautiful! I sanded 'er in a way so as to make the lock raised, and today i be plannin on settin the lock. Think i decided to leave the barrel the natural steel color. When she's finished, i will borrow my ma's digicam and post ya a look. Artemis
  16. capnwilliam- nay, the horns are not scrimshaw quality. they are mostly black/brown, and have many scratches on them. they are perfect for making antiqued looking horns and the like. Artemis Pepper
  17. well lass, welcome aboard! first off, i make almost all me 'n me lass's garb, weather it be pirate, viking, or wutnot. i've handsewn leather britches for myself, and made a coupla bodices for me lass, there isn't really that much to it....what you need to do is get yerself access to a sweing machine (and have a lil patience), cause handsewing takes a LONG time, believe me. Practice small, and with small patterns first, then start on simple things, like shirts. As far as patterns for the garb, wallmart, jo annes fabric, and hobby lobby have a decent variety of patterns and cloth fer wut ye be looking for....start off small....ye'll get the hang o' it in no tyme! Good luck lass! Artemis Pepper
  18. Rosalinda, I thank ye kindly! Indeed I am a lucky man As ye'll can see, we are heavy into our cups at this point, and rightly so, it was in the 90's...not to mention twas the last day o' the faire.
  19. fergot to post the last day of faire pic... Twas a fyne day indeed! The lass is me soon-to-be wife, Jule Pepper
  20. drilled out and fitted the spout piece today. found a deal on 'weathered' horns, and actually there's really nuttin wrong wit em, cept a few scratches. i cut the tip off the brown one, drilled er out, and fitted her to the black (bigger) horn as the spout piece. next part is to cut of the large end to make a smooth/semi-round end to fit the wooden plug too. I'll keep ya posted on the progress, and when it's finished, i'll post a pic fer all to see me first horn. Artemis
  21. Just aquired the .50 cal traditions trapper model today (flintlock) was a total steal!, didn't have flints or a flask in the box though, even though it was evident they were there at one time. she's never been fired! i will have to remedy that this weekend, soon as i get me some 5/8" flints, and a bit o 3f/4f!! anyone ever shoot this model? if so, do ye have any do's/don't fer it? would appreciate it greately! Artemis Pepper
  22. Just got me new pricelist for hatcrafters.com... The high cock'd (#250) is $81 without trim and $90 with trim, still not a bad price at all...tis a fine quality hat. Artemis
  23. Ahoy- I have heard tale of a great plunder'n game called CutThroats...I downloaded the demo, played it, loved it, want more of it....only problem is nobody sells it around here. Asked the localgamestores and the like,they sed they never heard of it and can't get it. I checked amazon.com, and yes, I can get it there for $40, but the game came out in 2000, and it's the same price as it was then... Anyone know where I might find a cheaper copy? I'd be much obliged! Artemis
  24. Stynky- The High Cock'd ( No. 250) on page 5 of their hats. Friend got 'er fer me, think he sed he paid $68 for it. It be well worth it! Fine hat, good quality! Hope that helps Artemis
  25. Thought I'd share this most excellent shop with ya'll Hat Crafters.com You will have to call for a price list, and they will mail it to you, even though it says they can fax it, they prefer to snail mail it. She will also quote you prices over the phone if need be. Enjoy! Artemis
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