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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Well I was happy as a clam to pay as low as 3.35 this morning...till on the way home I saw it had dropped to $ 3.23 Why did I buy $30 worth?
  2. Never saw off the branch you are on, unless you are being hanged from it. ~Stanislaw Lec
  3. I should be sleeping but......
  4. Red Cat stood wit th breeze pickin at strands o hair which flew from her scarf an grinned at th find. Ol Young Nate was provin t' be quite resourceful. She grinned an cuffed him on th shoulder. "Oi Nate.." she cast a wary eye skyword "um..ah..ye do seem t' be a good luck charm.." she gestured towwards th clouds "put in a good ward f' me aye? and uh..me thanks" Nate grinned wide an winked Cat laughed an suggested they head down th deck to see wot was to be had o' their prize.
  5. You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was, and he would agree. ~ Proverb
  6. So cool! I am wondering how I'm still up. Worked till 10 last night, got home at 11:30 sleep at 12:00 up at 4:30 work at 5:45 to 2pm and then the gym then out to dinner with Mom and its now..10:37pm.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. Miss Ashcombe laughs at Silkie's surprised expression. "I don't eat things with the legs still on...How about Pirate pie? an some Ale?" She throws a look to the Captains wearing innocent faces "Ye guys..."
  8. Hope youre feeling better soon, you can borrow my bear of you like :)
  9. * Snicker * You two....
  10. The wee pup a snorin..awwwwww
  11. Hester..you've odd neighbors...bet it never gets boring hmm SPicy grilled shrimp and a crisp salad with red wine vinigarette dressing About a thousand or so crows flying East to their rookerie..looked like rush hour. Mr. Yogihendra, or as well all call him Yogi :) and Mom..who had the Tillapia. The PHSB crew ?
  12. Forbes...I'm an avid reader. Trying to stay on top of the piracy on Wall St.
  13. ^ Definately a stew..with parsnips and carrots. MMmm Parsnips..Real hot chocolate (well, from the Hershey's can) < Oddly snow makes me want ice cream.. V Pass the question and add got a favorite keep warm article of clothing?
  14. If you dented a 350 million dollar airplane...4 times..would you sleep at night? Man I feel bad for that poor person
  15. Rumba dear..a belated congrats to ye and Boats on yer new abode. White carpeting and all...
  16. oooooooooooooo........fava beans..... legumes
  17. Indian Summer has arrived...albeit a little wet..
  18. I hear TwIlliGht zONe MuSic.... nnener nnener
  19. The night's weather was breaking but for the humidity, its prior fury gathering into large grey bundles which trudged to the SouthWest leaving bright breaks of blue sky inbetween. Jenny shaded her eyes and looked to the clearing horizon over the trees. Her attention turned to the rail as Mr. Tucker's voice responded to a call of "Ahoy zee Lucee" and shortly a small boat bumped alongside. She'd drawn nearer to see if the officers had returned but only a lone Frenchman occupied the craft. Tucker turned to advise the Ship's Master, but upon seeing Miss Ashcombe dispatched her to relay the message. Jenny returned at once to the Ward Room finding Mr. Pew still at his breakfast and Captain Brand just crossing the room to exit. Both men looked up as she repeated Mister Tucker's words..
  20. Just watched a huuuge front roll in and then out from my lofty perch here at JFK. So cool.
  21. OOh I love candles and oil lamps..year round. Cinnamon brooms are great so fall-y I just got a wee one as well at the Supermarket sniiiiiffff Ahhhhhhhh Eucalyptus too!
  22. Ahoy! Glad ye found yer way home!
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