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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. http://www.eeoc.gov/ Know your rights. You have a right to a safe and comfortable workplace.
  2. Well I wore my ears all day at work.. Actually they're kinda comfortable :)
  3. Heh Ransom..I have wondered that ooh I forgot my glue gun ! I would love to have a chart cabinet. Not for crafts stuff but for charts just since you metioned something like that
  4. GOF Happy birthday from across the pond sah!
  5. Red Bess that sux!! Any news on it? I had some bastards punch in my rental car window and steal my purse..grrr. Bastards!!! It's the cutlass for all of them cowards!
  6. um..ok :) Orange (color)
  7. Red Cat heard Nate..but she warn't lookin in his direction. She rifled hastily through her pokets mumblin things unintelligible aside from "Roberts..Silas an devil..sprinkled wit a few swears Finally turnin up th' talisman she sought, Cat held it up t' the East rubbed it off.. an kissed it once depositin it back in a small pouch. She turned once in th' spot she stood and then opened jes one eye....slowly. Red Cat looked all 'round in a panic.."Nate!Nate! whar ye be?!" He was no where to be seen..untill he come down from th' tops wi his usual grin albeit a look o' concerned puzzlement. He held up th' parchment map and began t' explain.
  8. Thats a neet outfit Vintage...kinda Anime meets retro bond..I like it!
  9. Cool Crows nest! aw thanks Mission.. I like them all really :) Oh and in a nod...I watched The Great Pumpkin the other night.. and sleepy hollow..and actually the pirates of Penzance came up in conversation just the other day...
  10. Ransom why is everything you have so cool? Hmm There are bits everywhere at times..I recently reorganized (bows to the wee zip lock gods) and decided I need to stay away from the craft shop for a while LOL..um..yeah I didn't know I had quite that much... Not that its a rediculous amount or that I don't dig into it often..but..I have a habit of picking up things at times not realizing I have a few packages of that already. Still I was happy separating it into such things as natural materials, fancy stuff, metal parts, real beads, glass beads, pearls, different colors and then "other" My chests would include... Various plunder sent me by you good piratey folks (the niece and nephew had a blast with the plastic coins the other day..it was Arr matey treasure!! all over the house heehee) Beads...you name it..I got it natural stone and wood and shell beads as well Swarovski beads (shiiiny) small bells of different colors (Mardi GRAS) tin Native American cones I learned how to make when I was 12 from soda cans (thanks for the tools dad!) Suede Faux fur Suede, leather, hemp, jute and raffia lacing Cotton twine Tiny, medium and big shells fishnetting metal parts of all kinds nylon and cotton thread a whole sewing box beading, carpet, leather and regular needles feathers felt foam Water color paint fancy paper used for cardmaking but handy for lots of stuff construction paper glitter glitter glue glitter markers mettalic markers sharpies etc 2 bottles of India ink, pen and nibs inkpad and some cool stampers glue gun pliers wire cutters craft wire fabric and glass paints clear glass shiny balls bottles different decorative small chain and scraps buttons shell buttons which I covet ribbon bits of all sorts yards of linen craft foam Elmers glue gel oh and these glue dots which are so cool - they work great! I was skeptical, now I am converted! hmm brocade ribbon which I hope to trim my coat with when its done - heh I bought yards of the stuff sealing wax sand I know Im missing some..but you get the idea...and I need to get busy got a few things in the fire..
  11. Happy Halloween! I'll be working tomorrow so just wanted to start the fun early So put out the Pumkins Hang the pinatas! and go for th candy! Save me the dark chocolate..mmmmmmmm Red Cat Jenny
  12. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple... This does help with spammers tho Ill agree there. I'll be yer friend...how much coin ya got in them pokets?
  13. ohhh it will keep changing...
  14. Less cutsey aye?........ Is this LESS cutsey?
  15. hey I just stumbled across this thought you might appreciate.. http://www.techchee.com/2007/09/25/amazing...d-steampunk-pc/
  16. ooooooooooooooooooo........ I hear distant drums...
  17. energized...so many things to do so little time..but in a good way
  18. Well I am glad Mission, that you said attacking ideas isn't a bad thing necessarily..let's say "challenging them" not that I'm one of those wussy people who can't defend a thought or just say "oh yeah I guess that would be kinda dumb lol" which would generally be followed by a two second pause and a reworking of it verbally.. However if people are afraid to have their ideas criticized..then all ideas could be presented as anonymous and the group can discuss each one.. But I prefer just to open the door and let my mind wander...you just never know.. like Dr. Seuss says " Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!” BlackJohn...I never stop thinking...what are you thinking about? :)
  19. Hmm that's usually weekends... I hope to see ice boats this year on the lake Then a Drambuie and cider with a cinnamon stick :)
  20. oh wow Hester have fun! I have been up since 330 am yesterday..a little while ago I was so tired..but then I was having so much fun all of a sudden I woke back up..now Im exhausted again..nighty :)
  21. ooooooooooooo SSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thanks Captain!
  22. aww you rock..Im honored..

  23. well I finished a bottle of wine and made my favorite veggie stew. The secret ingredient in the stew goes nicely with a fairly dry merlot. Tomorrow Im coking pot roast for the family..mm parsnips and carrots on a cold, blustery day.
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