Ransom why is everything you have so cool?
Hmm There are bits everywhere at times..I recently reorganized (bows to the wee zip lock gods) and decided I need to stay away from the craft shop for a while LOL..um..yeah I didn't know I had quite that much...
Not that its a rediculous amount or that I don't dig into it often..but..I have a habit of picking up things at times not realizing I have a few packages of that already.
Still I was happy separating it into such things as natural materials, fancy stuff, metal parts, real beads, glass beads, pearls, different colors and then "other"
My chests would include...
Various plunder sent me by you good piratey folks (the niece and nephew had a blast with the plastic coins the other day..it was Arr matey treasure!! all over the house heehee)
Beads...you name it..I got it
natural stone and wood and shell beads as well
Swarovski beads (shiiiny)
small bells of different colors (Mardi GRAS)
tin Native American cones I learned how to make when I was 12 from soda cans (thanks for the tools dad!)
Faux fur
Suede, leather, hemp, jute and raffia lacing
Cotton twine
Tiny, medium and big shells
metal parts of all kinds
nylon and cotton thread
a whole sewing box
beading, carpet, leather and regular needles
Water color paint
fancy paper used for cardmaking but handy for lots of stuff
construction paper
glitter glue
glitter markers
mettalic markers
sharpies etc
2 bottles of India ink, pen and nibs
inkpad and some cool stampers
glue gun
wire cutters
craft wire
fabric and glass paints
clear glass shiny balls
different decorative small chain and scraps
shell buttons which I covet
ribbon bits of all sorts
yards of linen
craft foam
Elmers glue gel
oh and these glue dots which are so cool - they work great! I was skeptical, now I am converted!
brocade ribbon which I hope to trim my coat with when its done - heh I bought yards of the stuff
sealing wax
I know Im missing some..but you get the idea...and I need to get busy got a few things in the fire..