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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. OK well I must maintain my air 'o' mystery...however I am also garb deficient (goes along with cash deficient) so when I get me garb you may see me
  2. ^ Rum (really), Courvossier, A good dry merlot, shiraz, Beefeater Gin, Grand Mariner, Remmy, Baileys, ooh and Louis Jadot Poully Fuisse..in that order (well, ye asked..) < my feet are cold V if ye were a pirate how would ye prefer to go?
  3. http://www.confluence.org/
  4. heehee,,..*snicker* ...no matter how many times....lol guffaw...I can't stop *giggle*
  5. I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Hungary around the year 1175. Your profession was that of a leader, major or captain. Hmm well I'm 1/2 Hungarian and 1/2 Sweedish. Interesting (Yes I have Vikings on both sides)
  6. Pete you are my hero lol of humor
  7. Hmm.. Pirate would be my first demand For a friend addressing me...Gerl, or Lass is ok and only as Mr. Hand put it "Aargh.. that be a fyne wench...." could be perhaps muttered in a crowded pub as I pass by... although ""Aargh.. that be a fyne Pirate wench " would be better. And in private company...occasionally.. "tart" heehee
  8. This one kills me everytime lolll
  9. I talk to airplanes.. and try to keep my *&^+*dog from licking the *^% furniture!! When I'm not talkin to airplanes? Pirate!
  10. ^ I would rather be the Captain < Need desperately to get to any Pirate function V Could you live for months at sea?
  11. 1) The number of masts on the ship keep changing. 2) "Wasn't that island on the right side?..." "what island?" 3) The word barnacle is used waaay too much. 4) William Shatner is IN the movie. 5) The captain is wearing pleather boots. 6) The music from Spongebob would make a more believable soundtrack. 7) You swear the leading man shorted you for change at Long John Silvers last month. 9) Gilligan appears anywhere
  12. "Nothing will compare with the early breaking of day upon the wide ocean." Richard Henry Dana from Two Years Before the Mast, 1840 ~~~~~~~~ Currently I am reading this..
  13. Looking at the following quote makes ut easy to understand why sailors and pirates would be superstitious.. ~~~~ Yet a sailor's life is at best, but a mixture of a little good with much evil, and a little pleasure with much pain. The beautiful is linked with the revolting, the sublime with the commonplace, and the solemn with the ludicrous. ~~~~ The only one I came across was superstition about renaming a ship without proper ceremony of one kind to put the "soul" of the previous name at rest.
  14. Simply Red album "Blue" ahhh 't brings back memories o Bermuda.
  15. Contemplating what bank to rob to pay for all the garb and kit I want *sigh* and warming me dogs on me lil doggie "ees sleeping"
  16. Then mate, yer dog is wiser than th woman was.... :) Hats off to ye fer tryin
  17. Well now please endulge th ladies out there.... there arent enough o ye piratey men in our everyday lives so's we needs our lil fantasies.. It's the romantic, funny, overconfident, tough yet occasionally childlike wrapped in the potential for danger and general scoundriliness (is that a word) the whole general uncertainty that is for women what a bodacious rack with a willing smile and some really good connections for sports tickets, pistols or whatnot is for men. Not to sound shallow. LOL. There is of course a lot more than that but we're just havin some fun me n th other lasses.... ye kno we likes ye all ye manly men!!!!
  18. Oh ..I can't ...I lose control.....heehee
  19. ha! good fer ye? Where does ye reside tha the police don't object to pointy or explosive things? Sadly that wouldn't go ere. If ever any o ye pass thru NY's JFK ye must let me know!
  20. oooh I've had those chocolates..MMMMMmmm!!!! Although I prefer raspberries and dark chocolate.. Now THIS dessert..needs no topping....except me. YUM!!
  21. I be on LI, will ye be in these waters anytime soon?
  22. These are great! You've inspired me. I am picturing ye in home Depot and Outback. Liquor store ..most definately! As fer th airport I haven't seen any o ye there yet.. but I like the idea of a whole bunch o us on a plane to Key West or other event, Imagine 15 or 20 pirates in business class! lol Keep the stories coming! I am wearing at least me hat ta werk on Halloween..will be fun walkin thru customs!
  23. Aye....words ta live by men! woo hoo
  24. Dorian, Happy belated birthdayto ye! Hope it was filled with rum and song!
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