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Everything posted by Kyllyr

  1. The handwoven silk rugs can be great finds for your ship in Egypt.Watch the jewelers-most of the stones are fake but some essentail oils can be had-don't go near the "designer" essentials but the frankinscense, myrhh and attar of roses oils are the real thing.The grand Bazaar in Cairo takes forever but you can find some incredible stuff there that would work great for pyrat swag.I was there over 20 year ago but then you could get some of the bedoin textiles that are all hand embroidered.And for trade the bellydancing supplies are great-some of the dancers here would be dying to trade for them.
  2. I saw you in Blackbeards Revenge-great maze In the mundane realm I be a Postal Clerk and an Ebay Powerseller-waiting till we can both retire an move to the coast of Oregon
  3. Dinn forget to add that Cider comes from Apples and an apple a day... _LOL I should never be bothered with seein a Leech
  4. That looks sooo cool-I'll have to put that one on my wish list for sure
  5. Dinna you use the sheep for that :)
  6. Rumba, we just missed ye, we came late on Saturday(we were stupid and followed map quest from Phoenix-got us there but took 9.5 hours) and by the time we set up etc we only had time to find one or two peeps, eat and watch a show or two and have a rum then head back to camp - by the time we asked for ye you had left due to the smoke Pearl said. And yes the hats were GREAT-they were much more comfy then others I have worn.Hope we can catch ye at another raid as we are looking into joining one of the Guilds. What bare chested wonder hauling the ice crate-you mean i missed that too-
  7. Oops, Dutch Who?
  8. If Not now, when?
  9. I agree wheres the BEEFCAKE-my pyrat had to buy one of these at Ojai but we need one of some fine looking scallywags for us females
  10. Me n This Scallywag of mine are wearen them for Ojai in this pic-could not believe the workmanship and quality and comfort http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m203/ky...rate20005-2.jpg
  11. I needed more gold at my fingertips before I looked at this-Sigh & Drool
  12. I have a friend who always goes and has a household-I will see if he would like some donated time
  13. I didn't know who you were when we were jawin with ye at the pub-You were one pyrat I wanted to find and meet as the scallwag who was droolin after ye lovely weapon with me wants a flag with a skull over crossed tridents. Let me know when ye are rested up as to the amount of booty ye want for one.
  14. Just looked at the pics-Seems we did meet Billy Bones-I be the One in black & red bodice who was admirin your fine weapon when the idiot tried to start a fight at the pub-wish we had more time to find out who was who-next time
  15. Sorry we did not get in in time for group photo but had a blast anyway-Sorry the smoke got to you Rumba-Pearl said ye were feeling poorly after that-hope to meet the rest of ye at another raid
  16. Had to share with my fellows-I just talked to Dirty Billy and he mailed our hats today-will have them in time for OJAI
  17. I,ll be checking out your wares in Ojai for sure
  18. I just called the gold Coast People and they said it is still on!
  19. I just spoke to the Lake Casitas Boat Rental and they said they can't even see the smoke anymore. I also called the Gold Coast People and their message sadi the festival was ON! The Fire is now located in the Lockwood valley 60 miles away and things are looking like fair sailing. Now if I can only get my hat-dirty billy is sending it today-ARGHHHHHHHH-Ye can add me to the list of those who will be there.
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