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Everything posted by Alder

  1. The best I was able to locate was 84" long x 1 1/4" diameter http://www.firebloodarms.com/FB10009.html Custom might be possible but expensive http://www.alexandriamoulding.com/ If I get a chance I will check other sources. A.W.
  2. Happy Day to ya Quartermaster! By your birthday next I may know where ta correctly post a proper greeting. A. W.
  3. Ray...I've coin enough ta fit tha bill...Mister Lasseter will be havin' a Drambuie I believe n drinks all around ta celebrate! Tankards aloft en yer birthday Aye, a toast ta last tha year through, For all tha finest that life my hold tis none tah good fer you! A. W.
  4. representative
  5. mediation
  6. invention
  7. Lady Chatterley's
  8. heartbreaker
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