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Everything posted by super_intelligent_shade_of_azure

  1. MUD?!? What sort of person wrestles in /mud/? There are far better things to wrestle in! Including, but not limited to blood... ect. ect. What can I say? I'm violent
  2. Ha ha ha! First, how do you know you could wrestle my ass to the ground? I bite, and kick, and scream, and grew up with 6 older brothers, all of whom I could and can wrestle their asses to the floor. I also too waaaay too many years of various martial arts, and managed to beat my entire class ( most of them older than me ) in grappling, which is a lot like wrestling. Second, how do you know I wouldn't want 200lbs of super horny pirate wrestlin ( wras'lin? ) my ass to the ground? Third, if you /like/ it, then it's not a very good deterent, is it? The only way you get tickles are if I'm mysteriously painted my nails with poison and 'accidently' break the skin. Luff ya too. Hawke
  3. ::Snicker:: I should slap you for that, but I don't think my arm can reach.
  4. 'lo all! I'm a newbie in SCA, and looking for infomation about female pirates and rank aboard pirate ships. I've been reccomended to this site ( don't you all feel special ) for infomation. The only kicker is that is needs to be historically accurate, at least for SCA purposes. If you could all give me a bit of assistance, I've be most grateful. On to the questions: Most of the female pirates I've read about seem to have taken command of their own ship and such. Did most female pirates simply join the crew, and if so did they disguise themselves as males? What about privateers? ( Aka the times of Drake, where the english hired people to go and mess with the Spanish )Were there any female privateers, and the same two questions apply-- did they captain, and did they pretend to be boys? Assuming they didn't disguise themselves as males, what sort of garb would a female pirate wear? Obviously this depends on the period and place ( and rank? ), but did they generally dress as the men did? Did they leave their hair long, or cut it short? ( I have short hair, which is why I ask ). Did they tend to be feminine, or more tomboy-ish? What about the 'ranks' per se, on a pirate ( or even just medieval ) ship? Obviously there was a captain, and I assume the second in command would be the first mate, but who would come after that? The second mate? And while I'm at it ( I know, I have a lot of questions! =D ) about what age were cabin boys, and what are the chances of a girl being a cabin boy, either in disguise or otherwise? And the names. Would a pirate simply introduce him/herself as ' So- and-so,(rank) of such-and-such ship' ( i.e. " Jack, first mate of the Dreamrunner" ) or would they usually have a longer name ( " Jack du Lupin blah blah blah" ) or both ( "Jack du Lupin blah blah blah, first mate of the Dreamrunner" ) And ( last question! ), can I ask for an explanation as to the spelling ( pyrates vs. pirates) ? Thanks again! - Hawke
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