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Liam Finn

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Everything posted by Liam Finn

  1. "Keys, just keys? ta tha shanty? Must have somtin locked in a chest. He won't need it now." I pick up the limp body and carry it back to the shanty he came from, kick the door open and drop him inside next to the door. Inside is a table, chair, pallet with straw, and a trunk. "Ah ha! bring them keyz brudder, see if one opens tha trunk there. I'll see what other hospitality he has ta offer us." Ian heads to the trunk and begins to work the keys in the lock while I rifle through the bedclothes, the table and anything else I can find. "How ya comin with tha lock, brudder?" I say as I'm looking at the jars and bowls on the table. "Tha keeyz jammed! I can't, it won't, there, I got it!" I shakes my head and walk over as he opens the lid. "Well, wot have we here?"
  2. As the figure comes towards us I let me brother up and smile at the aproaching man. "Kay hay, ya say? co-mo say yama?" We look at each other and back at the man who is now close enough to see well. He has a wary look on his face as he approaches and is carrying a lantern, held chest high. I hold up my hands in a friendly fashion and smile at him. "Ahoy, friend... we've just arrived on yur land. . . . how's yur hospitality ta two poor sods?" I say while he creeps closer. 'You... you eenglesch?" I frown when he asks if we are english. "No, we ain't anglish! We hate tha anglish. . . . " The man asks again. "You no eengisch? hate eenglisch?" Ian pipes up "Thas right we hates tha eenglisch" he says mocking the mans accent. I smile wider and stroll over to the man and put an arm on his shoulder. He smiles weakly "No eenglisch, aha, aha. . . " I chuckle "No anglish Ha, Hahahahaha!" As we have a laugh a slip the dagger out of my back sheath, grab the man across his mouth and shove the dagger between his ribs. "Don't much like tha spanish much either. . ." I watch the life fade from him as he drops the lantern, the candle goes out as it falls on its side. "Good job me brudder" says Ian to me. "Aye it were, an don't you fahget it." I point the bloddy dagger at him, then wipe it off on the spaniards' shirt. "You check him fur valuables." Ian nods and starts rifling through the man's clothes, his dead eyes staring up into the sky.
  3. "Where'd I get this? why, from his own belt. . . ." I point to the empty sheath on his side, then proceed to strip the dead guard of his worldly posessions. "get the hafpike, watch tha hatchway." I continue to rifle the still warm body for anything else of worth and find a small pouch with some coins in it, a folding knife and a set of dice. "won't be needin these anymore ye bastard." Not finding anything else, I drag his body to the barrels and prop him up as if he were asleep. "Nothin left for im, let's get off this scow." Ian nods to me and I can see the gleem of his teeth. He follows me as we head up out of the hold very quietly. Up the ladder to the berthdeck and across to one of the starboard guns. Only one or two lights are lit here as the late day sun filters through the gratings. We push open the gun port hatch and see the lights of the Port Royal, looking at Ian I again see his smile."You first." he says, so I slip through the opening and hang down into the water until I can't hold on. I splash a little and as I come up I see Ian go under. When he comes up I smile at him. "Won't even miss us.... buggerin bastards... " We both start swimming towards shore as soon as the ship gets farther away.
  4. My ribs were sore in the spot I'd been elbowed, but it didn't hinder my progress of slipping out of my bindings. Even under the eye of the guard I was able to pul my hands free, yet make it look as if I were still bound. I could feel my brother's hands still trying to get free, so again I tried to aid him. I shifted my bulk so as to hide our hands from the guards view and began to help pull the tightnesss from his entwined limbs. "Bugger ye fer jabbin me wi yeur elbow." I whispered to him.
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