Aw, Jack, I know what it's like to loose a close pet, many condolences mate...
Scared out of me whits...I'm starting my senior year of high school in four days and I'm just worried I won't get into any colleges that I want to go to, or worse even, no college at all! I'm a smart kid, I work hard and I am dedicated to my studies...but, I don't know. I suppose we all go through this, I know I saw my friends go through it and they came out just fine. But...yeah...I'm not looking forward to taking my SATs for a second time, doing a college entrance essay and waiting on pins and needles for a few weeks while I wonder if I will even be going to my top school or will I be all the way out in California...with no way to really get back home! I've never worried this much in my life over anything. Not worry with thinking about life, but flat out worry. It's horriable...blah.