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Caper Captain

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Everything posted by Caper Captain

  1. I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere in the territory of modern West Australia around the year 1150. Your profession was that of a teacher, mathematician or geologist. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Inquisitive, inventive, you liked to get to the very bottom of things and to rummage in books. Talent for drama, natural born actor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: There is an invisible connection between the material and the spiritual world. Your lesson is to search, find and use this magical bridge
  2. ^ Ren Faire with my two best friends, then probably do a circle (we are all Pagan) < Working out clothes for twin day with best friend/ college applications. V Most perfect night?
  3. ^ Friday I am attending a memorial service for a friend who died last year. Satuday I am helping my mate with her costume for the PARENF and then I'm going over to my best friend's house to give him a sound beating on Super Smash Brothers Melee and various other old video games. It's so fun to play video games with a gay man. < Worrying about first Humanity United (like a GSA) meeting tomarrow. V Thoughts on Machiavelli?
  4. The Transylvania Twist!
  5. ^ Anne Bonny < Flabergasted at car insurance/ annoyed with stupidity at most new drivers to have such a rate to start with! V The nature of evil to you?
  6. Kyrptkicker Four (Me school's Barber Shop Guys group thing)
  7. Blue Collar Comedy
  8. ^Fathom < Has been procrastinating homework V What's one thing that you see/smel/ taste/ hear/whatever to let you know that fall is here.
  9. ^ Sailing down the eastern seaboard. < Woke up with a cat on my back V Do you think with your head or your heart?
  10. ^ Tickets to a ren faire and a cutlass from my friend and mom < Just realized that Fergie from Black Eyed Peas did he voice of Sally Brown from the Peanuts... V Dance around while getting ready in the morining?
  11. ^ No, but I've done some reading and I'd like to give it a go. < Realized the crops are failing when it comes to tall freshman at my school. V Ever tried to send a message in a bottle?
  12. ^ I see a samuri in the near future.... < Has a Bosun's whistle hanging from her ceiling in her room V Have a business card?
  13. Since it's the last day of summer break I think I might just grab some pizza or something else quick. I've not yet even begun the school year and already I have twenty projects I need to do. (Yay EC activities!)
  14. I am truely sorry Jack. You're right, I most likely will learn, I'm still young and I have a lot of life a head of me... Best wishes.
  15. When it finally comes out, which of ye good pirates is going to pick up a copy? Personally methinks that it looks like a right good game to while away the hours of free time that I have. I'm likin' the amount of customization that is offered; what I haven't heard yet is if the online play will be free or not. Though I am expecting to pay some heavy coin for it...as far as computer games go. Cheers, good pirates,
  16. Couture for a Cause
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