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Butch Cannon

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  • Location
    the island of long
  • Interests
    <br>I be a musician at heart, and basically in public too. Aye, blades and cannons be my bag, I mean i gotta know cannons since I'm the gunners mate aboard the Hellion. Aye, all the ships cannons be like my dear children (which is a awful lot o' wenches to bed).
  1. aye, capt'n I been hearin a rumor that yer growin hair on yer palm, and that ya eye sight is goin? .......cannon rules!
  2. I dont know if ye can call Pirates of the Plain one of the best of the pirate flicks, but Tim Currey does have that roll down pat. Its like a part he was born to play. Another good family oriented pirate movie is Muppet Treasure Island, once again it has Tim Currey doin wat he does best.
  3. funny stuff, aye the kind that makes yer sides hurt. the second video actually was like a spoof on the lord of the rings at the MTV music awards, I think it was the one that Jack Black hosted himself, anyway them some kick arse beards.
  4. Most often when u hear bout a pirate attack these days their more to the far east region then the caribbean. A great deal of illegal korean immigrants have been know to turn to piracy if citizenship to the U.S. is not granted. And as u heard before, pirates now-a-days are more like hungery knife wieldin scavengers. .......cannon rules!
  5. wat in gods good graces r ye sayin capin. Some times u talk like ya got linstock rammed in yer mouth. .......cannon rules!
  6. I am considerin hiring a musical pirate band to do a private party for discovery channel. The band's name that Iam considering to hire is "The Brigands". If you have any information about this group, it would be extremely helpful if you could voice your opinion.
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