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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Not packing, obviously. (Sorry to hear about your cat, Iron Bess!)
  2. lovable ... and no, Sterling, I don't mean you! [bugger, ya beat me to it!] antipathy ... empathy
  3. Joe's always there to save my butt! & Tongs
  4. Heading up to the northern beach shack for a week's vacation. While I'm there, I vow to swim a complete lap of the bay every morning, and hike the backwoods trails every afternoon. Oh, who am I kidding? The most exercise I'll likely get is lifting the Corona bottle to my lips and shifting the deck chair periodically to follow the shade of the beach umbrella. Better pack the muumuu, I guess!
  5. Not ______ed packing yet! [bugger me, I even manage to procrastinate about going on vacation!]
  6. I'm taking this with me as light reading at my summer retreat: ... along with a whole slew of other pirate romance novels that I've collected over the winter.
  7. I finally saw PotC: AWE at the late show this previous Monday (a holiday, up here). I quite enjoyed the movie, especially the art direction. However, I would have preferred a tighter narrative structure, as the plot was fairly messy. [Perhaps the longer cut that Iron Bess mentioned was more coherent. Let's hope that longer version makes it to DVD.] And where the hell was my bad-boy Norrington? They made him a poncy Admiral and then ... poof, he was gone! The thing I liked least about the movie was Jack in Davy Jones' locker. Visually, and in terms of style, it really seemed to jar with the rest of the film. To my mind, that scene just didn't suit a pirate adventure movie. As Mr. H. so astutely said last night while we were grocery shopping and he picked up a bag of key limes: "Now these say "piracy" to me. Salt flats and surrealism ... not so much."
  8. I finally got around to watching an episode of this last night. And since I'm not much of a fan of the "Survivor" game format, I was actually rather surprised that I enjoyed this show. I would have like to have seen more about the actual sailing of the ship, though. (Do the pirates do that themselves IRL? Or is there an unseen crew who take care of the actual sailing? Or do they just sit moored off that island forever?) Joe Don is kinda cute. But sorta whiney too. Anyhow, I'll watch it again if I remember.
  9. "Ready to sail!"
  10. Elvis on water-skis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4FSJ8ojKcc
  11. Chicken & mango salad with pepitas. Avocado dip with chipolte-flavoured tostada "chips" (i.e. the broken ones) Large icewater
  12. and very sharp teeth
  13. Hats off to Buddha House, our local Chinese take-away. Their "Chicken with Cashew Nuts" is chock full of big, plump, whole, roasted cashews!
  14. Hester


    Mexican Mangos
  15. Yesterday: Popcorn PotC: AWE Leanne Catherine
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