I finally saw PotC: AWE at the late show this previous Monday (a holiday, up here).
I quite enjoyed the movie, especially the art direction. However, I would have preferred a tighter narrative structure, as the plot was fairly messy. [Perhaps the longer cut that Iron Bess mentioned was more coherent. Let's hope that longer version makes it to DVD.]
And where the hell was my bad-boy Norrington? They made him a poncy Admiral and then ... poof, he was gone!
The thing I liked least about the movie was Jack in Davy Jones' locker. Visually, and in terms of style, it really seemed to jar with the rest of the film. To my mind, that scene just didn't suit a pirate adventure movie.
As Mr. H. so astutely said last night while we were grocery shopping and he picked up a bag of key limes:
"Now these say "piracy" to me. Salt flats and surrealism ... not so much."