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Posts posted by Hester

  1. (Well, looks like this thread needs a bump, or at least a new Q.)

    ^ If I were a fruit, I'd be an outrageously ripe raspberry (with Framboise as my accompanying liquor)

    < Wishing I had more energy!

    V How are your holiday preparations going? Are you having fun with the season, or is it just another chore?

  2. Really nice frozen berry medley, thawed and topped with vanilla yoghurt

    Sleet & slush

    Doctor's receptionist (time to get the 'flu jab and an iron level test)

    Furnace guy (bless him, we're nice & toasty again!)

  3. Last night, I made myself a "Gin Sunrise". In a tall glass with ice, I added a good strong slug of gin, then half-filled the glass with pineapple juice, then topped it up with tangerine-orange juice, then gave a gentle stir. Finally, I carefully poured in some syrup from a bottle of marachino cherries and let it sink to the bottom.

    All this fuss because I was out of frozen margerita mix. :D

  4. Make sure you open a bottle to christen it <_<

    Good thought, Jenny!

    It'll have to wait until next week, though. I've sworn off the sauce entirely this week, while I recuperate from some nasty stomach 'flu. I have a family obligation that I'm determined to keep this Saturday (since I had to postpone it from last weekend), and I don't wan't to have a relapse before then. So, it's just soup, juice, and peppermint tea for me for the next few days. After Saturday, however, it's 'bring on the booze' again! LOL [Hope that half-blenderful of margeritas in the freezer doesn't go stale before then!]

    In the meantime, I really need to find a way to improve my physical stamina and resistance to illness. Still fatigued all the time despite light therapy for self-diagnosed SAD and iron supplements for clinically diagnosed anaemia. Oh, sigh! I think I'll eventually have to give in and visit the doctor again, even though my symptoms are so vague as to be ludicrous. [Crap, with my luck, she'll tell me that it's just middle age!] But I'm getting bloody tired of always having to cancel out on social events due to a string of minor ailments this fall -- post-viral bronchitis, rebounding migraines, head cold, stomach 'flu... And I'm especially tired of having to explain why all the time -- I sound like a raging hypochondriac!

    On the up side: looks like we're gonna get a more progressive 'coalition' government up here in Canada! Bye-bye bully-boy Harper! Huzzah!

    And my copy of The Pretenders' Pirate Radio box set arrived in the mail yesterday. Early Xmas present to myself, and very 'energizing'. Might even inspire me to change out of my pyjamas into real clothes!

    Okay, well, time to go do something approximating 'useful'...

  5. Arctic char and an artichoke

    [The taste combination was nearly as nice as the alliteration.]

    Keanu Reeves movie

    Silvanna the banker

    Mr. H, who has a late business meeting

  6. :( Pimm's, the beverage and weapon of choice...

    and it tastes so dang good!

    Mr. H tells me we have quite a collection of empty Pimm's bottles in the cellar. I guess I should rename our cellar "the armoury" now. LOL

  7. Ransom: Hit your computer over the head with an empty Pimm's bottle until it coughs up those paragraphs that it ate!

    Rumba: Same with your recalcitrant Escrow -- hit someone over the head with a Pimm's bottle until they close the deal!

    I used this tactic on the pseudo-suicidal nerd-boy, and it worked. :rolleyes:

  8. Knock him over the head with an empty Pimms bottle, Hester! Then maybe he'll get the point.

    Brilliant idea, Ransom! Definitely my weapon of choice.

    Currently, the Pimm's bottle in my pantry is half-full, but I'm sure I can find a quick and convenient way empty it for the occasion!

    I was just about to send you an e-mail, 'cause you haven't been around lately, either here or on the BG forum, so I was starting to worry. Glad to see you back, and in form! LOL ;)

    Just got a bit distracted by other things for awhile, Ransom. But, thanks for thinking of me!

    Glad to see the Pub's been bustling in my absence.

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