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Everything posted by hurricane

  1. The cabin was rockin' you say, Studley? I had let Roberto in to supposedly pick up the elixir. He must have had a real doll in there.... As for the ol' captain hisself, he is looking forward to the arrival of Charley. One blow hard to another as they say, eh crewe? I can hear the chorus of hizzahs now... Wish us luck as we ride our first blow down here in Portlando. And on another note, looks like Spitfire and the rest of the wenches will be down at PiP this year to regale us with bawdy song and tales, of is that tails. Hope they remember the leather bodices for the entertainment of the rogues in the crewe. Best regards. Will file my report on the hurricane when she passes and the powers be restored to me ol' electronic logbook...
  2. Master Studley... aren't you building the plank for us? We have the Wolf as a stouthearted support for it... and I'll gladly find an unsuspecting lad or two to test it on the day before. A life bodice, love that lass... I know that Sir Nigel will be more than willing to do some custom fittings for them... Perhaps we can sway old Rogue's Pierre to create a sample for us...
  3. Let me get this straight, all. Roberto actually awoke long enough from his stupor to speak? And his first request was to touch someone's boob? It warms me heart, it does. He didn't say much while he was here visiting ol' Captain... of course, he had a bunch of darts in his back, the victim of a barroom incident involving the bar wench and oh, yes, her boob. What goes around comes.... Good to hear you're all alive and well and checking in. I raise a flagon of elixir to Olaf and Studley, an eyebrow to Animal, a finger to Sir Nigel (you, you), a salute to Merrydeath and a uh, well, uh, uh, to Sheila. Happy drinking lads, dutie calls! Now where did I put that Coconut Rum?
  4. I love the coat but agree that a lot of people have them now. I would go to the fabric store and look at the fine historical patterns out now and fine a seamstress or tailor who'd make you your own custom piece. You want something that is more uniquely yours than the coats she has now. -- The Captain
  5. Ahoy all! We're proud to announce our new line of customized trading cards. Each on features an original illustration of you along with your particulars on the front and back. These are professionally printed, not quickies and Sir Nigel is doing the illustrations for everyone. Imagine going to the next event with children of all ages trying to collect these from all the pirates attending. And they double as business cards! Visit http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/shop for ordering information... Following is a sample of the front and back of the card...
  6. Ahoy all! We're proud to announce our new line of customized trading cards. Each on features an original illustration of you along with your particulars on the front and back. These are professionally printed, not quickies and Sir Nigel is doing the illustrations for everyone. Imagine going to the next event with children of all ages trying to collect these from all the pirates attending. And they double as business cards! Visit http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/shop for ordering information...
  7. Consider yerself reinstated to Quartermaster, mate. Glad to see you've signed the articles once again.... How's the ship's doctor coming along with medikal skool. I hear she did well on the amputation test... Got an F I'm told which I assume stands for Fine... The crewe is looking forward to having a bonafide medicine woman aboard to treat the less than social diseases that are running amok on the Blackheart... -- The Captain
  8. The crewe has guffawed extensively at the Tender Weapons Tender. You're stuck with it lass. Make no mistake - the Pyrates of the Coast be the funnest, hardieast, uhh, heartiest cut throats to sail the seven seas (as well as a bunch of lakes in Portlando)... do not be swayed by others showing their coin or stout rigging... do not be cottled by their wiles. Stay true lass and you will be rewarded with bunnies galore.
  9. Aye Animal, I would go for the former as well as the later. Got to watch out for dem feminine wiles, particularly for those who have de swords... And exactly where be your special rum stash, mate?
  10. I heard about that unfortunate episode with Jacque Asse. In hindsight I think it would have been better to lead him away from the drink into the way into it. I think the latter was his ultimate downfall. Hate those sissy pirates who can't handle their rum...
  11. Hhmm, I know she is around here somewhere. Animal, check under the tackle and spare sails in the fore to see if she's sleeping another off there....
  12. I've noted that the Goddess in the Bodice, Diosa, has failed to check in at muster. Hhmm! She could be AWOL again... gone island on us all. Curses!
  13. We don't use the "G" word in our crewe. We're a crewe of pirates, or perhaps a "Plunder of Pirates," like gaggle of geese and such... Definitely not a guild here. More like a Benevolent Dictatorship.
  14. The one in the black and red hat and red coat was Diosa, Our Goddess in the Bodice. She was in the shots during the parade next to candidate Brian and can be seen many times throughout, along with a great shot of our other Pyrate, Deadly Aim (Way to go Amy)... I'm sure it'll be on again in the future - it's cable after all... - The Captain
  15. Why yes, Miss Sheila, Oh Cabin Toy! We've confirmed that we'll be using the Schooner Wolf for the plank walking... so it will be the real deal. Leaping to your watery grave off a real ship, within view of hundreds of jealous pirates and wenches too faint hearted to take the plunge themselves. Sir Nigel has also volunteered unselfishly to take the dive for the glory. Glad you're in lass....
  16. Sir Nigel has developed a great new card that we'll be offering to our fellow pirates as well. It features a period illustration of you as a pirate on the front (done by Sir Nigel hisself) with your name and position and a bio and particulars on the back side, much like a baseball trading card. The look is totally period and will be available in two forms - the other being a Wanted style with nefarious crimes listed on the front under the drawing, much like a Wanted poster. We will have a sample up on the site next week. For a single fee Nigel will do the illustration, prep the cards and get them printed in quantities, ready for delivery. Think of a Pirates in Paradise type event with a 100 pirates with their own cards featuring their illustrated mugs. Each pirate can order their own... no need for crewe-wide action. We originally considered photos but they didn't have cameras back then. The illustrations we've seen on the test runs are amazing.... More soon!
  17. Upcoming Voyages Ahoy all! For those of you who are new to the Pyrates of the Coast, we've been around under various names since 1990. We originally sailed the Puget Sound waters and moved our home port to just north of Orlando. We go out 10 to 20 times a year, performing at festivals, doing community service appearances and just having a good time at local establishments. Ages range from Bullseye, the Cabin Boy, who's 6 to Water Rat who is 70+. Many of us have sailed together for 20+ years, others are new. We have a pirate band that performs while the rest of the crewe roams the crowd, beading and stickering the civilians. We've performed throughout the world over the years -- Sail Boston, the Tall Ship Regatta, Mardi Gras -- in Roatan, Belize, Cozumel -- the list goes on. Here's just a few of the things coming up - July 20-24 - Hemingway Days Festival - The Pyrates of the Coast will be invading this annual ode to Papa which includes a lookalike contest, running of the bulls (sort of) and literary readings and events. We'll be hoisting a few flagons in honor of Mr. Hemingway's favorite past time while participating in the festivities. Sept. 18-19 - The Pyrates of the Coast will be making their way to the Commencement Bay Maritime Fest, located along the Foss Waterway in Tacoma, WA. They'll be singing, beading, photo opportunities and carousing for those that meet up with us. Times to be determined. Sept. 24-26 - The Pyrates will be raiding the St. Andrews Fall Seafood and Pirate Fest. A seafood festival with a pirate twist along the bay in the historic St. Andrews, FL area on the St. Andrews Marina and the surrounding area. Travel by car or boat. Children's entertainment and activities. Oct. 2 - The Pyrates will be performing at the Heindl and Laukshtein pirate wedding in Key West, at the West Martello Tower. This is a private event (obviously) but the crewe will also be supplying the piratical vows in addition to performing at the reception. Oct. 30 - Halloween's on a Sunday this year (drats) so we'll be doing our usual havoc in the greater Orlando area at our favorite haunts. Hint: We'll be the ones in the pirate costumes. Nov. 19-21 - The Pyrates will be pillaging and plundering the 2nd Annual Central Florida Pirate Festival, November 19, 20 and 21 at Coachman Park in Clearwater. Check out the festival at it unfolds at piratefair.com. Nov. 25-Dec. 5 - Pirates in Paradise Festival, Key West. Hurricane, Sloe Gin, Dreamboat Annie, Bullseye, Sir Nigel, Diosa and Lighthouse will return to this annual gathering of piracy. We'll be appearing all over town again, doing stage shows, story times, visits to local retirement homes, a beach cleaning, kid's day at Mel Fisher's Treasure Museum, Captain Tony's, the schooner Wolf, sea battles and the pub run. We'll also be posing for a bajillion photos with touristas. If you can only make on pirate event in your life, this is the one! See photos from our 2003 escapades on our site at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com.
  18. Ahoy Animal - bring the rum aboard and we'll have at it. If you can find yer way aboard, lad. Back from Key West. Captain Jacque Asse was there one night, that nefarious alter ego of Hurricane. He was rumsoaked, and drown while trying to board a ship dockside that was obviously (or obliviously) not his. Yer humble Captain Hurricane is back in charge.
  19. Send us a bloody photo of the mate and we'll toss him onto the site. We don't want him chattering the night away and botherin' ya. It was a pleasure to meet him, and watch him die. Nice to know he's resurrected, Studley. Great seeing you and Olaf in our waters. T'was a true pleasure. And we can't wait to voyage with the likes of you once again. PS: I was mentioning to Julie at PiP about you and Olaf handling security at the fort during the festival's last weekend and encampment. What say you? I think Julie's willing to trade out for the camping privileges... - Captain
  20. Ahoy and welcome fellow members of the Pyrates of the Coast... If you're a member of our nefarious crewe, enter your missives here. If you'd like to join us give us an email at hurricane@piratesofthecoast.com and we'll be happy to consider your query and add you to the manifest....
  21. That would be a true test, wouldn't it? I've been in the frigid waters before, back in my seafaring pirate days coming ashore at Alki. Brrrrr! Glad I've shifted ports to far warmer waters.
  22. Dearest Paisley, I not be saying much but what was there between the lines. . . he truly is the Ace of Cads. I'm sure he appreciates your concern in his current, well, should we say, situation.
  23. Tis true, the rumors. We be holding Nigel down here in Portlando, but not totally against his will. We be plying him with beverages and fine liquors. And he's been doing guard duty at the nearby pool, making sure that the scantily clad wahines have proper covering (using his body unselfishly as a human shield). Rumors are flying that he will be anchoring here for the forseeable future and finding suitable employment to make the necessary coin to continue his scurrilous lifestyle in the pleasures of palm, surf and sand. Already, certain wahines of a wenchish and piratical nature have been contacting him, welcoming him to these waters and offering (again, unselfishly) their support. Diosa and I will be billeting him here until further notice. Call the lad. Offer him yer well wishes and if any of you have gainful employment opportunities for a pirate on the lam down here in Central Florida, contact him at nigel@piratesofthecoast.com...
  24. Stop by Fantasea Weddings shop - lots of good piratical clothing and accessories. And of course, you can't miss the Mel Fisher Gift Shop and the Jewelry store there. A good place for non-firing replica flintlocks and swords is the sponge market near the aquarium. If you're down there during the Hemingway Days celebration (July 20-23) look for us in the streets. Hint: We'll be the pirates in town.
  25. I'd gladly host the keelhaulin' event but it's hard to get repeat entrants... Savvy? Besides, this event is open to those of a piratical nature as well as those of a civilian one - we want to allow everyone to join in the fun and take a dive into the warm waters of the Keys - that's why the Pyrates of the Coast never hosted the event in our former waters - the Puget Sound. Too damned cold up in Seattle to do something like that. Huzzh to warmer weather and warmer waters down Florida way...
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