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Everything posted by flying-dutch-man

  1. welcome aboard,mate!!!! hope you enjoy yer stay here with us!
  2. welcome aboard,mate!!!! hope you enjoy yer stay!!!!
  3. The reason for this is that a description has not been passed down upon us. Any description would be pure speculation. yes,he be right.i i found out that a picture has not been found yet but i did do a search just in case and no luck.but,maybe hopefully this year we will have a picture this year or next....
  4. a musket: to be some what on deck and be able to fire at will and hit a very easy target some what not un-noticed.and,if i am sort of hidden i might be able to have some time to re-load. axe:this to use from any distance to hit a target a hard shot it be from a far,but if i hit the enemy im glad!
  5. well done indeed mate.
  6. ROFL! thats so funny!!!! that be a very funny movie if ever (but,probly never made)!!!! i wonder what jones and barbossa look like as dogs?!!!!
  7. was that a good remark??!or arr....a sarcastic mark?!
  8. they could have done better. but....
  9. that does sound interesting!i would luve to me salty hands ona henry avery crew card and his ship as well as henry morgan and blackbeard crew and cards! F-D-M
  10. i boguht this the other day and me and my able bodied crew played a game and it so fun!totally worth the 19.99 doubloons!
  11. yes!it was very good!better than hard tack you know having to eat in the dark because of the weevils!
  12. arr!i am a massive pirate player of wizkids pirates of the spanish main.it is fun,enjoyable,collectible,and informitable. if this be countin' than POTC liars dice is very fun but no as fun as wizkids piarte game. arr.i know most of ye dont be carin' but i have been away for a month computer problems and all....but i have returned!
  13. arrr i watched this show before an had to watch this one! :) it was reallyyyyyyy good cheers to cap'n slappy!
  14. arrr but i don't recall maccus bein' a little guppy like tose. i have all of the zizzle season 1 little figures. and i have in the so called "big form" of jack,will,and good ol' davey! i checked last night and maccus is in big form like tose mentioned above as well as norrington i have to grab all the little season 2 figures.
  15. arrrrrr!!!! the 2 disk special edition collectors edition be a nice prize for the takin'!
  16. arrrr....i goin' to subscribe! . F-D-M
  17. thanx back then during the renassaince....were there pirates? i must to start working on my costime! thanx mates! F-D-M
  18. c'mom mates help me out!
  19. arrrrr....i need to be knowin' if they have a website! if so what? and what times the gates be openin' and how much loot it be costin'? if ye find me a website thanx for yer help! F-D-M
  20. nooooooooooo!!!!
  21. i do hope books-a-million has them!
  22. in the words of mr. gibbs: "ahhh,the black spot!!!!" this would be considered a super stioion.
  23. a cat o' nine tails. this is a whip-like weapon that had nine slashed wihipps on it.
  24. i have all the small figurines,the alarm clock most strange....but still gonna buy it!
  25. exetremely fun! but took me 2 and a half weeks to learn! but know how to play now! play at me weekly pirate night gathering.
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