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Posts posted by macstink

  1. now that's a nice looking cat. what length and thickness of rope did you use? and, if i can wrangle being at the first legoland weekend, would you mind showing me how to make one?

  2. if you think the banter between me & barney is bad here, you should see what those 'orrible gits have been saying bout me on our own forum. they's reckons i need professional help, because i suggested we needed some bare breasted female pirates in the crew, to help fend off unfavourable winds and such like, cos we aint got a figure head depicting a bare breasted woman to do that. they've made suggestion that i've lost the plot and shouldn't use all the tissues up! what the hell does that mean???!!!!????


  3. Tis one of me personas it be true when the fruity juice has started ta course thru' me veins.

    Could be worse - you could get the persona where I talk 'about nothing bar footy and computers or, horror of horrors, where I be thinkin' that I be the world's greatest comedian!

    er, nothing new there then, you don't even have to be drunk to do that!!!!!

  4. arrr, young master filch is trying to show his teeth, but more practise is required for it to be of effect!

    if memory serves, it be master filch who made a bit of a ricket whilst making our musket balls, so don't be bragging bout that!

    anyhow, you were never a bilge rat in the crew, you're a powder monkey till the cap'n see's fit to premote you!

    oi, macbarney, i didn't fall asleep in a puddle, i just ended up laying in one for a bit because i couldn't be bothered to get up!! and yes, fruity beverages played a part in that!!! :ph34r:

    indeed cap'n foxe, a fair many song does indeed end with such a phrase. though i seem to remember being a bit more colourful in my use of language when i fluffed my turn to sing!!!! :ph34r:

  5. i admit i add colour to the events we attend! i admit i completely forget the words to songs when it's my turn to lead the campfire singsong! but as to make an offer that is purely based on the notion that you, the great campire singer mr foxe, would prepare a fine beverage from my bid for imfomation on master filch, is, completely right! dammit been sussed! oh well!

    will have to think of something else to use in the bidding!

  6. i have no idea who filch was cosying upto under a blanket, please pray tell cap'n foxe. was it when we were partaking of that rather good sailor's drink you made? for not much after that i lost a sail and only had 3 sheets to the wind!!!!! :lol:

    but please, we wouldn't set you up with a dodgey musket and iffy slowmatch on purpose, we not that nasty! honest! ask anybody, we're total angels, never do windups or misbehave in that manner!

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