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Captain Rob Carroll

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About Captain Rob Carroll

  • Birthday 06/16/1975

Profile Information

  • Location
    A moonlit lagoon.
  • Interests
    Height: 6 feet 4 inches<br>Weight: 185 pounds<br>Blood type: O Negative<br>Build: Svelte, Medium Athletic<br><br>Interests: <br><br>Well I'm into physical fitness (weights and cardio stuff, personal training) and health (I'm a massage therapist) and alternative herbal medicines.<br><br>I love European histories especially the history of pyracy and the Crusades. I love seeing new places and experiencing new cultures and have traveled extensively in Europe and some of Asia.<br><br>I'm pretty eclectic in my musical tastes, I like some country, a lot of folk, classical, trance/rave, and ethereal, classic rock, and 20s-80s music.<br><br>I love a good ghost story and really like to roleplay to give my imagination some exercise.<br><br>I love to drink wine and stouts too!
  1. I'm looking for websites for belts and little hook snaps for attaching mugs to belts. Know any? Thanks for your help mates!
  2. I smell Monkey Island afoot!
  3. Can't believe no one thougt of this, how bout multi-vitamins, I'd take a few cases of these boys. I'd revolutionise the world. Think about pirates would be healthier indeed, oh yes, fit pirates! :)
  4. I have always had a fascination of pyrates, since I was a wee one. I'm attracted to the sea and feel terrible when I'm not around one. The interest in pyrates as only grown stronger in me and now it has blossomed. Pyrates are the average man or woman with an above average imagination. The pyrate means to me a champion of the working man or woamn, the underdog of society.
  5. I have a small four leafed clover on my upper left arm. Pain Scale: 4 maybe 5, it felt like continual cat scratchings. I heard it hurts more on sensitive parts of the skin (hopefully you know where these are) and where the skin is thin near the bone too.
  6. A bit or rust just adds to the spice and authenicity I think, I mean not so much rust that it falls apart or has holes nmind you, just to have that aged look.
  7. Great Lads, great! Keep'em coming
  8. Thxs lass, I'll look into it.
  9. Many pyrates and other sailors tattooed The Crucifixion on there backs for they thought it would ease or perhaps ward the pain of lashings.
  10. Welcome aboard lassey and may the sea be kind to you while your here!
  11. Did the pirates in the golden age use piercing daggers more than slashing daggers. If they used the slashing kind were they usually double or single edged? You see I'm torn between three knives I've seen at http://www.jastown.com/ These are the trade knifeand the longhunter under the knife section and the plug bayonet under the tomahawks, and gun accessories section. Have a look at them and pick which one you think is the most authentic that a pirate would carry. Thanks for the help.
  12. I'm with Capt William on this, I'm a left handed shooter too! Thxs for the explanation, so modern guns would be percussion correct?
  13. I'm on it like an encrusted jewel on the cutlass!
  14. Cool I'll look into it mate! Is your sword sharp Royal?
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