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Everything posted by CadricCallahan

  1. I'm the quartermaster of the Hazard, the autocrat's ship for Sea Dog Nights and Gypsy Carnival - it's quite a hoot, and definitely a lot more than just a camp out Come out and join us - we've got a pier with ships on one side, merchants along the "waterfront" on the other, games, classes, treasure hunts, raids, fire dancing, fire eating, gypsies, belly dancers, a swimming stream (both family and otherwise ), bonfires, candy cannons; we should have representation from the Mer Serene, the Moca Sozhina, the Puget Sound Pirates, Fire and Steel fire performance troupe, the Brotherhood Of Oceanic Mercenaries (B.O.O.M.), and several different belly dancing troupes. It's a great time, and cost is pretty minimal comparatively. If you've got any questions, we're at http://www.seadognights.com, or e-mail to seadognights@gmail.com - Captain Zorgon (autocrat) can answer any specific questions you've got. *tips hat* G'day to ya, and hope to see ya there, I do And for WillTheobald - we're definitely a crazy bunch - had about 950 folks on site last year, expecting a bigger bunch this year. Come on down!
  2. Good morrow, scallywags and wenches alike! I've heard there are some that don't believe there are any pirate events in the PacNorWet... not quite so. My pic's at the last link below, on the Lynx, in which we did a spectacular amount of damage to the poor, unsuspecting tourists aboard the ill-fated Lady Washington (trainable guns are a definite advantage ) Fair winds and following seas - Cadric Callahan Quartermaster of The Hazard http://www.seadognights.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/lt_johnny/182232507
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