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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. aye! you'll be seein' the likes of me 'round there this year! hope ta see all of ye there!
  2. aye..i'll 'ave ta be a pirate without a few flintlocks...*shakes head*
  3. me favortie quote "Eagles may soar, free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines."
  4. nay..she still be sayin i be promotin' guns
  5. argh! i'm having enough trouble getting a costume...let alone a ride to the festival. me mum refuses to let me have a flintlock! (since i'm 17 and without a credit card that leaves me screwed)
  6. aye... i be in yer state..but i 'aint no wench lakewood be me home...the one south of tacoma that is. where be you?
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