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Everything posted by FlintLockSarah

  1. Ahhhh Matt she sighs, its a special bottle just fer ya i got along my travels, it s fine bottle of Wine..........
  2. Aye Mistress, Chai Tea wonderful in the late afternoon sittin on yee porch watchin the boats go by...... thats me of course...... I'm with ya
  3. Crabs and killians.......
  4. She smiles and grins, sounds wonderful, i'm doin good, alittle rough at Sea though but its tamed down. i figured i would come back to these here shores and open back up..
  5. She is in Awl, a tear falls gently upon her face, as she kisses him deeply back.... excited is she to see you lover, where yee been, i know i have been gone on a long journey at sea, but i'm back, have to get this place up and runnin. Here love sit talk a spell with me, my maids can clean up.
  6. Clearing the cob webs from the tables, her maid sweeping the stone walk. The sun bright as the waves crash against the shore. the palms sway in the ocean breeze. The pub now Open.............. FlintLock Sarah here the mistress of the pub.... come in have a fine drink on me....
  7. Working on Trial Papers for yee court.... YUCK
  8. The pub empty, a sign speaks closed till spring...... Take care ye Pirates be back soon.
  9. a Big juicy Orange
  10. Stevie Nicks: GYPSY
  11. Very admirable,Sarah! Must be a perfect 'me tyme' space. Thank thee very much i will take pics soon. still working on it.... i'm getting ready to get another statue this one of a lady pirate. Me room be looking fine for the true pirate......
  12. Mine right out of a true ship, got me ideas from a tall ship gallion. Wooded planks on the walls, a stuffed piloow topped bed. Scroll work on the bed posts. a Miral on the wall to look like your looking right out the bcak of the ship. Iron candle sconses on the wall on either side of the bed. a life size pirate statue hand carved standing next to me window. hard wood floors dark beat up looking. Took me a very long time to finish.... its me heaven from reality......
  13. As she sits and relaxes, she wonders where Capt Tito has been. She lays her head back upon the chair and day dreams of her fall away lover. The sign of wanted help sways in the ocean breeze as the sun rises over the horizon. The smell of fresh coconut drifts on the wind.
  14. Cheers To me Friends of the sea. Sarah throws down many silver coin.
  15. chuckling his way Sarah sticks out her bottom and winks..
  16. Aye you can handle it tough guy she chuckles some of us woman can handle out liguor.
  17. Sure you scoundrel she chuckles, Bar keep she shouts two fine drinks here. as she winks
  18. Sarah runs around cleaning her tables and Massage rooms with a broom and mop. The ocean breeze flows through the curtains and candle lite room. a Sign swings in the breeze BAR KEEP AND MAIDS WANTED.... She walks back to ehr private room changes her clothes to her favorite corset, burgandy velvet and puts her robe on goes back into the pub area and sits by a fire going and sips her rum watchin the flames of the candles flicker in the room.
  19. AYe Sarah Strolls in looks over and walks up to Matt, Aye there Lover sits next to him pats him on his shoulder. Where yee been. she question'd.
  20. MMM: mine a Siren/Rake? Interesting
  21. Well for giggles and fun i put my real name in. : S.E.R.E.N.A: and it was Seductress exchanging Rapturous,Erotic, naughty, Affection...MMMMMM
  22. Here Here Merrydeath. Mine: S.A.R.A.H: Seductress Administering Rapturous Arousing Hugs....
  23. I've heard you say that alot lately. Uh oh. Was that out loud? I got you me lover........ LOL
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