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Sir Beachem Quick

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Posts posted by Sir Beachem Quick

  1. Custom Leather Maker

    Stanley Weeks



    This guy is outstanding and can make anything out of leather to your exact specifications.

    He's done a few things for me and the best part is his prices are very reasonable.

    He does not have a web site unfortunately. Send him an email I am sure he can send pics of things he's done.

  2. Haha... my personally, I don't believe in "final conclusion."  Ymmv.  ;)

    This phenomena can be seen in recent years with two of my favorite articles of women's clothing - the miniskirt and the tube top.  The miniskirt came about in the late 60s, disappeared for the 70s, 80s, and reappeared in the late 90s (rough dates).  The tube top appeared in... the late 70s?  Went away for a couple decades, and now every once in awhile I see one.

    ;)   ;)   :lol:

    I suppose if one dug, one could find someone in a miniskirt in the 70s or 80s, but if so it'll be a rarity.

    And I'm sure you look lovely in them blackjohn.


  3. Perhaps now that the horse has been so effectively beaten the moderators would consider giving it a proper funeral  . . . at Sea even.

    Not so fast, Sir.

    I thought the debate was fascinating. I read valid points from all camps. Sure, it's been discussed before and this won't be the last time. I read every post and enjoyed them all. I learned a few things, too.

    I learned it's time for me to sell my Queen Anne pistol. *LOL*

    I see no reason why this thread should be deleted. It was a great discussion.

    Actually though not everyone will admit it, I think discussions such as these are extremely important and very beneficial to all of us. the thing is we just have to remember to be civil and not take things personally.

    Yes there really are a million different ways to be play or act a pirate and as I said in the very first post we just need to find a happy place were all can co-exist in harmony.

    that is all

  4. This has been very educational for me personally and hopefully no one got hurt over it but truthfully while I knew I would get a reaction out of the crowd I really had no idea what that would be.

    I am willing to concede that pirating may be a thought process, life view or what have you , , , I see nothing wrong with that at all. Ultimately no mater where you fall in the spectrum we all have a varying degree of Pirate in us. Our inner pirate if you will.

    I guess some of us are very in tune to it and others of us try not to let it run (that's RUN) our lives. For those of you that do let it run your lives I give you a big thumbs up :D Just quit trying to impress the rest of us with how more authentic and genuine you are because of it. It's not helpful and serves no valuable purpose that I have been able to see.

    If you want to go out in the world and do it YOUR way have at it.

    Somebody really needs to write a book about all the aspects of the inner pirate I know it would be a best seller.

    That is all

  5. Well I think I can see why some of you may view this as rehashing the unobtainable and to some degree you may be right . however, There is another purpose that it serves as well. It gives the community a glimps into the minds of the few who actually take part in such discussions. Yeah we all wear pirate clothes but how do we feel about ourselves and most importantly others who share the experience.

    Hurricane - you are not a real pirate you are not living a pirate life to think otherwise makes you a prime candidate for the looney bin.

    You may however be in spirit a pirate who holds close the values of commaradere, (spelling I know) freedom, adventure, and wonderment that comes from sharing the Pirate experience with other like minded people. I beg of you and others like you who have been "doing this" for more than a year to get off your high horse and just f@#$%n enjoy it for what it is. Recreation

    That is all.

  6. ***You are 73% Scorpio***

    my rising sign


    You Are 45% Normal -

    While some of your behavior is quite normal...

    Other things you do are downright strange

    You've got a little of your freak going on

    But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

    Thank G*d I am somewhat unique.


    Your Italian Name Is...

    Saviero Bianchi - and I am not even italian.


    Your Power Color Is Lime Green

    At Your Highest:

    You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.

    At Your Lowest:

    You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.

    In Love:

    You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.

    How You're Attractive:

    Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.

    Your Eternal Question:

    "What else do I need in my life?"

    Truth is green is my least favorite color, go figure.

  7. Hurricane -

    So what you're saying then is that you are neither a historical re-enactor or a interpetive actor but instead a bona fide pirate like the days of old and further more you can tell the difference between a real bona fide pirate and an imposter?

    I am pretty sure that's what you are saying.

  8. Hurricane -

    Actually you and I are in fact on the same page by your own admission

    There is certainly room for both, but as one who used to draw the historical folks into the protracted discussions about "could this have been possible", I have learned that solid evidence weighs far more than "I saw this in Pirates of the Caribbean."

    Ultimately we all want to be as accurate as we CAN but the things is everyone has a different idea on where to draw that line. Stichers is a metaphore for historically accurate.

    I will be the first to admit that I am not a historian Don't have a degree in it and I don't want one. I do like learning about pirates though and watching documentaries and reading about the past but not all of that stuff carries over into me dressing as a pirate and ACTING like a pirate.

    Now if I was to really consider my self to be an actual pirate The last thing I would worry about is whether my clothes was hand stiched or not. There are real pirates out there and they neither look our act as we do. So it may be a "lifestyle" but only to a point.

    When you started in piracy many moons ago was it because of a deep seeded need to be historically accurate or was it because of a book you read or a movie you saw? You see we all have different reasons for being here and we all have our own things we get out of it.

    It is a noble cause indeed to want to portray pirates in their most accurate terms. But, isn't the spirit of piracy really what we're in it for?

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