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Everything posted by caoil

  1. Not the midnight show, but an evening show on the 7th. If there are any other Vancouver pirates on here, there's a group of about 20 of us (mostly costumed) going to a mid-evening show at whichever downtown theatre will be playing it (Paramount? Granville 7?). You'd be welcome to join us, if you see us!
  2. I did read ML's book long ago, and while it may not have been accurate in some respects I certainly did develop an interest in Grainne from it! :-) I've read two books since on female pirates, one by Barbara Sjoholm ('The Pirate Queen') and another by Joan Druett ('She Captains'), and that's where I picked up the detail above. Whew! I'm glad I'm on the right track - at the very least we'll be the only accurate female pirates in our group of moviegoers! (I may get to use this costume again for a local theatre production later, so accuracy = better chance of getting the job) So it would appear from the snippets of film showing Elizabeth's new costume in POTC2 that they actually got it pretty well right! ;-) I'm using the Eagle's View pattern for the breeches, but would you recommend a particular weskit or frock coat? I was going to use the Simplicity one, but I don't like that the coat isn't lined (nor is the back of the vest, for that matter). I can't wait! We're also getting hat blanks, cutlasses, and baldrics (not sure if we'll make, or buy).
  3. Hi all; My girlfriend and I are getting dressed up for the POTC2 opening night, in proper pirate gear. Now, everything I've read suggests that when women became pirates, they generally wore men's garb so they wouldn't be discovered right away. They didn't necessarily run about in skirts and bodices. Am I wrong in this? I mean, there were a handful who were already known as pirates and so probably wore whatever (Grainne comes to mind), but it seems to me that those who were running away for their piratical adventures, and not as the wife of someone on board a ship, were most often in breeches, weskit, etc. Am I way off base here? I'm trying to be accurate from a historical sense...
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