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Everything posted by piratelass

  1. did you see the two versions of the movie The Buccaneer ... and for all ye swashbucklin fans here be a list of most of the movies on tomorrow on February the 27th... namely The Princess and The pirate Captain Blood the two versions of Muriny on the Bounty The Spanish Main and a couple of others i forgot ter mention. I hope ye uses yer guide on your Cable or Sattelite remotes to find out the listfor the 27th tomorrow
  2. ter Lady B all i can say is here here
  3. i am lokin for two things namely #1 where i can get some hands on learnin on the lore from sword play to the boardin party and so on and #2 after i gets htis experience and trainin where i can join a goodly pirate crew me SCA group has a problem namely with getiin a new seneschal from march 2007 to February 2008 if we do not get a new seneschal by March of tbhis year me group will no longer exist and i have had ter wait to get me finances in order before i begins to complete me garb and weapons however since i am in an multi unit building me landlord advised me fer safety not ter get real pistols and cutlass i has ter make do with wooden cutlass and non firing pistols for now i hopester hear from somone soon because if not i be feelin i would be marooned fer somethin that in someways is not me fault
  4. What is the address so i can order myself one for they sound like very fine shirts
  5. Even though it was a horror flick with a piraty theme The 1980 film The Island has a lot of elements of reality of what it was really like to be a pirate a few things i did not like about that movie though disparaging things about women and when that scurvy feller Doc told the prisoner whose last name unfortunately happened to be the same as the guy who bagtged ole Blackbeard in Ockrakoke Inlet i 1718 about his son who the leader wanted to be future carrier of the line of natural men which Doc called buccaneers he mentioned that French Buccaneer who either at4e the hearts of prisoners as they were dyin or forced them to eat their own hearts as they died he accidentally did not add the name of the greatest buccaneer of the age and that was Henry Morgan ... sp here is me Salutin E toast a quote with me words added from The Black Swan "To Captain Morgan I say ... Dead Hangin er Alive Walkin he be better than the whole pack of em
  6. i has some questions for that topic as well as a good reply for what i would like in my pyrate lad first of all a guy who could carry me off and take to the captains cabin and then serve ye coffee in the morning that sound like a dream which wounds like in some parts a wee bit frightening but kinds nice ... as far as the looks are concerns what was the name of that male model again the one who would nake a fine picture of a very handsome pirate captain that sound like a guy that would nake me melt in spite of meself... however are you forgettin there was an actor who some years ago starred in a movie version of the comic opera The Pirates of Penzance as the Pirate King now wow he sure looked very handsome and verils with his white shirt which pointed neck line that almost went down to his waist woo hoo well anyway the main question i likes ter ask is am i dreaming too much or am i very attracted to good looking ones.... however red blond or brown haired guys ate good if they have good looks oh by the way i likes having wome pretty big biceps and all around mouscles on him as well as a good personality who is not afraid of my likiing ro fight with pistols and cutlasses however.... i am not really a good cook and i do not care too much for house keepin i am basically an incurable tomboy who loves to di this piracy bit so i would like to chat with wome of ya other lady pirates out there with an all around girl talk bout good looking guys =in other words our ideal pirate lad or man
  7. Hoy out there are any of you comming out to pensic next year i may be attending when i get me fear ready and whem i am in good shape for the big event of the year i may not get all what you like in a woman or lass but i would sure like to know in person whenever i do get there... i sure do like some of your thoughtful comments although some i get a little bit uneasy however i be lookin forward to seein ye there whenever i can
  8. i cannot for the life o riley figure out how to get the movie or tbe novel on which it is based sound like very good readin as well as viewin for a up and comming pyrate like meself
  9. has any of youscurvy types out there been on one of these treasure hunts like in the fests or the ones featured in pyrates magazine i would really like to know wince i would like to fine me some swag
  10. i too am lookin fer a good pair of pirate boots however i am very hard to fit since i have wide and high arched feet in a size for mens boots i would have to have a seven wide .where can i get a very good pair
  11. Well me hearties if this be the day for pirates and this be the first time i has heard about it let have a boardin party and demand that this day be revived
  12. I was wanderin how ye lads and lasses liked the national Geographic documentary onBlackbeard which came on recently this month. quite honestly i was surprised by a few things that i never thought would be told on that film ! that so called cabin boy who they called Frenchie who was really a lass, 2. about the reason why Blackbeard took on a royal navy ship from Boston now I knew that he knew Black Sam Bellamy wince both of those rogues were under the mentorship of Ben hornigold 3 they listed Yellow fever as the reason for blockading Charlestown S C for that box of medecine worth six hundred dollars in todays money and lastly 4. About that firl who became his 14th wife now how he treated her was not the same as i remembered readin in many articles on his life which was cruel to say the least but all in all i found it very good well i hopes to hear from all of ye bilge rats out there for being one that likes to hear and see a good bio on pirates that should nake good chat fodder
  13. i haFires me a lilst of favorites too Fireship Down Among the Dead Men, Drunken Sailor, yo HO A pirates*s life for Me , Whale of a Tale, The pyrates Royale Bawdy Version of Blow the Man Down. Don*t Sail There, Wild Goose, that song About a hellsip called the Abigail, Whisky yo , oh good ale and Old Joe
  14. Ddid anyone of ya Bilge Ratd out there come across a DBD which features twi Christmastime episodes? Well me hearties ont of these here episodes os from an old series in color called Long John Slver and it is sure a treasure is ye likes the bloke that stars in it namely a rogue who was lLong John Silver in Disney*s Treasure IUsland Movie namely Robert Newton which came out in 1955 bout a year afore he passed on to Davey Jones..... has anyone found that DVD cause i am a tellin ya now it sure is a treasure for those who likes Robert Newton
  15. well hip hip hip hurrraaaah for all us who be she males who has ta be as tough as nails .... me favorite female pirate be Mary Reade for some good reeasons she was a very practical woman she did whatever was deemed needful she was not afraid ta defend the one who she loved and she was for the most part one smart moral cookie
  16. i have been gettin in a lot if difficulty finding a reasonblepriced boots for ScA events to complete me costume fore i get me wea[pns any good navigatin that i can use
  17. Ahoy Dark Rose: I be looking fer a proper Jerkin for me outfit that will nake look like a proper pirate renn period style and i be wanderin if the has this likely item in leather preferably black or if not leather than in twill what be yer web site so that i can star on completin me outfit
  18. Well me hearties due to that scurrvy hurricane called Isabel me group could not make it aturday on the twentieth blast it....... I hope ter finds out how the ones who were able ter make it well how was it and was it likes you hope it would be in spite of that scurvy hurricane
  19. I finds out on the T V Guide that there be the silent movie version of the pirate movie The Sea Hawk about midnight ternight O also hears that the pirate captain in that one is a very lusty feller how does anyone of ye scurvy types knows more about this movie more than me since this be me first silent pirate glick
  20. Well me hearties i just finds out that me group grom the University in me hometown will be comomin on Satirday for this very excitin weekend on Saturday and i be lookin forward to see any one of yer seadogs theree and maybe be habin a good drink of grog over the ye White Heart and all the good benefits that goes with it
  21. I also forgot to say i also like Blackbeard*s ghost eventhough Peter Ustinov d8d not really do the character all that justuice also the movie about a boy who is accidentally goes back into time at the time of Blackbeard on his flag ship the Queen Anne*s Revenge and also there is an updated version of The Master of Ballantrye where the older son fals in whith Blackbeard and gets half of his loot however I find that very hard to believe that ole Blackbeard would have allowed that noble upstart to get on doubloon from him also the two veresions ofThe Frenchman*s Creek a very good portrayal of a romanticised pirate captain the ones that dislike the most are The Princess and the Pirate reminded me too much of a U.S.O.show featuring Bob hope and the worst one the many versions of The pirates of Penzance I*ll tell ye many parts of that show makes me wanna puke
  22. oh yes i forgot one other pirate film that i likes that being Blackbeard the pPirate starrin Robert Newton
  23. my favorite movies are The Black Swan, Cpt. Blood The sea Hawk The Spanish Main Few versions of treasure island including the newest version where all are killed except Jim Hawkins Long john Silver and Ben Gun, yellow beard and cutthroat Island ... however there be one questions i have been havin and that is where is the foreign di Adventuri de Mary Read i have been trying to get that one or mybe to see it on me czble service and it is very difficult if not impossible to find
  24. i be near that area pn the delmarva penninsuler and i knows little bout this ere fest cepptin that it be in early September this year
  25. where be this ere pyrate feast
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