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Everything posted by riohippy

  1. Galveston, Texas - Visit the historic Strand area, Moody Gardens and of course the seawall. Kemah, Tx -- Great fun and spirits. Boardwalk and food. Just across the channel in Seabrook a SUPER pirate hangout--Maribels. New Braunfels - Take a trip along the Guadalupe River in an inner tube, or as Texans refer to it "toob" Great fun. The Schliterbaun (sp) is also natural water park(s) with water that feeds straight from the Gaudalupe River. If you are an Outlet shopper, San Marcos (just up the road) has one of the best outlets in the country. Glass/plastic not allowed on river so mix up the rum and distribute in plastic drinking bottles. A small cooler will fit perfect in a tube. Take a small rope to tie the cooler to your own inner toob. San Antonio - The River Walk is always fun --especially on a weekend. Great Mexican food. New Mexico--Acoma, NM Extremely interesting Indian habitat with facinating "story telling" atop a plateau overlooking a beautiful valley. Just off I-10. It wouldn't be a trip to NM without a visit to TAOS--eat at Michael's just at the end of town for a great treat. :)
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