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Everything posted by Brig

  1. From their corner of the tent, Mae and Brig watch as the captain ties himself in...and grin.
  2. I miss you too, huney. I couldn't have asked for better friends...

  3. St. Augustine is only about 2 - 2 1/2 hours from here...hm... *starts plotting*
  4. Uuggg...got me through with a stake through the heart. Turned in by me own. I feel so betrayed. Sorry Mickey, I think the wind has been removed from me sails. Do with him what you wish. First I miss PiP. Now this... I for one will find a corner of a tavern to whittle away in. (Although an oatmeal bomb sent out of a blunderbuss sounds interesting.) I only speak the truth! The poor man is OBVIOUSLY suffering! DON'T YOU DARE...YOU...YOU....CANADIAN YOU!! Hahaha!! I'll give you a dollar, Mickey!
  5. Poor Dogge. Can't you fellas see that he's just a victim here? 'sides, you can't kill him. He's useful and stuff. *nods*
  6. Happy birthday, dearie!
  7. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible. I can't tell you how great it was, but if you were there, I probably don't have to anyway! To the Bone Island Buccaneers, you guys are one of the best parts of the event for me. Thank you so much for all your hard work and your passion for what you do. You're good people. To the crew of the Archangel, you always amaze me anew with your kindness and humor. It's like Christmas every time I get to be with you all. A special thanks to Captain Sterling for providing the terror twins with a place to sleep at night, and to M.A.d'Dogge for the green fairy and the ghost hunting fun, and countless laughs. To the Callahans, just...wow. Thank you. A special thanks to Katie and Mickey for the great pictures and company, Mission for keeping up the journal for another year, and really, I could go on and on. There were so many people who made this event great by contributing some part of themselves. I can't list all of you, but know that you are appreciated. Finally, thank you to Mae for not fussing at me every night when I'd stagger into the tent and step on you a few times while trying to put my inebriated self to bed.
  8. I think I'm still recovering...having that much fun is exhausting. I can't wait for next year. Mae and I had an uneventful trip home, fueled on junk food, deafening music, and iced coffee. There's Key West sand all in my car, and I can't quite convince myself that I need to vacuum it out.
  9. Yes, it was a nice thing to wake up to.Thank you.

  10. I concur with The quartermaster. Awesome quote

  11. We're leaving tonight, be there for breakfast in the morning!!
  12. Antsy...still a lot to do before heading to PiP
  13. Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem
  14. Can I smoke for him too?? only really cheap cigars...those are his favorite... They happen to be my favorite too. *sniffles* Poor dear Billie...he'll be sorely missed. But if me being all self-sacrificing and drinking his portion will make you feel better about it, M.A.d'Dogge, well..I'll man up and do it. Much as I hate it...all that drinkin'...*sighs*
  15. Great quote on yer sig!

  16. Can I smoke for him too??
  17. :angry: We're cheering for you!
  18. I luff j00 too. 3 more days zomg!

  19. Auuuggghhh! I just got a vision of Madogge pole dancing in that chemise! Auuuggghhh! Must flush out brain with rhum! Auuuuggghhh! Were his jingly-jangly bits intact?!!?!
  20. Hell no, we're going to stand around and laugh at them, part of the initiation thingy... And that...right there...is why I'm happy to call you Captain, Captain.
  21. Small change of plans for me and that girl that kinda looks like me... My babysitters aka parents aren't available to keep the baby until Friday afternoon, so we'll be leaving Friday, probably get to the Fort around 10pm or so, and then head home Monday morning. Is it too late to beg or bribe our way to the pig roast? Mae volunteered to pay double for both of us!
  22. Tired...looking forward to the first Thanksgiving with a new baby...looking forward to PiP too, but missing those that hoped to be there and most likely won't...kind of in a happy melancholy, if that exists. :)
  23. How YOU doin'?
  24. Received my info...thank you, Harry :)
  25. I don't think it's so much a matter of faces...he just wears a dress better than the rest of us.
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