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Captain Dorita

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Everything posted by Captain Dorita

  1. ^lives in one of the finest places in the USA! :)
  2. I love Tequilla! Sorry, Ray. Yeh do'ent hav teh stock it. Rum is fine with the likes of me humble self. Hoorah!
  3. May the North winds blow softly and the bright sun shine upon the hurting ones. May the Gods of the sea, air and land guide the love-ed on thru all storms and bring the'en upon sandy beaches of life with peace and calming strength. If the path be long may thee have friends around to shorten the hours. This be me pray'r.
  4. This Captain Wench be an ex-devil dog and I say arrgh!
  5. Is it only this coast or be there water raining elsewhere? Rum is runin' dry and we be rustin in the buckets! Feel like a chanty comin' on. Anyone got a tune fer me ald ukelele? One er rain be nigh? Most be runnin' south be now and mebe east. Any cheer fer eh ald Captain what's skirt hems be soggy? Could a pirate get the blues?
  6. Oh Man! I be, 'Sugar Buns!' Egads. A Captain so sweet? Never!
  7. Our's be, 'The Hole in the Wall,' and if'n yer dry I'll hoist a keg and rip er open! Rum, there be fer ye and me! Brookings, Oregon, home of the Brookings Buccaneers!
  8. Oregon is represented! Fine thing this map. Thanke.
  9. Allo! Captain Dorita Margarita of Brookings here and I be new to the site. Our ship lies in the Port of Brookings, Oregon and we are formin' a new crew. Our crew be charitable and we have plans for families with their wee ones as well as evenings for the grown-ups, themselves. Looking for crew we are! And any successful stories on yer events raiding, pillaging and plundering. Be lookin' fer yer words!
  10. The Brookings Buccaneers, ae Society of Charitable Buccaneers, out of Brookings, Oregon, are looking for pirates to go on account. Our ship sits on the western coast and we be a new crew. Any able bodies to sign on would be gratefully welcomed by meself, Captain Dorita Margarita and our crew of misfits. Contact Brookingsbuccaneers@yahoo.com. Thanke.
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