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Everything posted by Barber-surgeon

  1. Yes, I happen to have, raise and bring to faire some of my ratty boys. Capt. MacLeod and Jamaica Rose of NQG fame have entertained young and old with a few boys I'd given them. I plan on bringing 'The Three Muskatoons' to Tall Ships. They being Granville, Shadow and Lightening. When hungry, they do so help with 'disposal' of left-over bits from surgery. Cheers
  2. Aye, a be-lated welcome comin' to ye from the balmy shores o' the mighty Snake River...takin' a wee bit o' R&R as it were. Cheers!
  3. To tack on an interesting bit to the conversation, mayhap consider some of the suggested names fer taverns...and then come up with a sign that depicts the name without using words. (As it were done in the days when all but the nobs were illiterate...) Cheers
  4. Well Met to ye both, Captain Dorita and PirateLass! And a "Cheers" to ye of the Southern Oregon Coast! A rough and ready crew, I'm sure fer a rough and rugged coastline!
  5. Well met and have another tot of Pyrate Rum on me, lad!
  6. Yes, I posted a couple of messages the first part of last week to the powers that be on this very same subject--and not recieved a word or missive back. Rather reassuring--in an odd way--to find that I'm not the only one experiencing a problem. Now, to have one of the powers that be find a correction for the problem would be good... Cheers!
  7. The only thing worse than working on a Friday is--working either a Friday Night or a Saturday Night...especially after 2:30 am when the bars close down....
  8. Hmmm...yes, a jellyfish wedgie or puzzling over (on a daily basis) why the Powers that be haven't dumped more Bleach into the gene pool.... Jellie Wedgie! Bring It On!!!
  9. Sounds like a few here might have the same potentially hazardous tastes as I...enjoying the flavor of raw or near raw meat? Hmmm...fancy that...
  10. Hah! Pish at paying $25 fer a pattern! I Never leave a millenry shop for under a $100! The lass will most certainly be getting some orders from me fer my needs!
  11. Erm...here I thought that WAS the Quartermasters job, ye know...gangpressin' all the unsuspectin'...erm...nevermind...(humming quietly to meself while looking away from the gangmen and their head thumpers held at the ready...)
  12. Delays are understandable, even here upon the cyber seas. Again, well met!
  13. Well met, Squire Freebird! So, ye be from Maryland. Bee it west o' the Chesapeake...or east in the loverly and rural land o' the DelMarVa? Hoist yer tankard, lad and welcome! Cheers!
  14. Welcome aboard here, lad! A fine loblolly boy is what he'll be, says I! Hmmmm...a rootbeer float...with Cornish Cream fer Me, while yer servin' out the liquide refreshments! (blast...wish ye could get some Cornish Cream this side o' the pond! *sulk*)
  15. Just a word of advice to save ye some time and frustration...be Very cautious about dealing with The Rifle Shoppe. If they have what you need on the shelf, you'll get it quickly and without any problem--it's when they have to get it from another supplier that the time and frustration comes into play. They may tell you 1-2 weeks...you might want to tag on another 2 months. me 'umble two farthing's worth :) Cheers!
  16. I kept the steel plates and screws they used to fix my forearm. (...meybe use a couple o' bones layin' about an' display 'em fer guests!)
  17. I'm a Dive Master and Rescue Diver. I've worked a summer over at the Twin Harbor's Hyperbaric Chamber.
  18. The humming of two computer-thingies...and some baby ratties fussing 'Loudly' fer a nipple...somedays it gets a bit Noisey! LOL!
  19. Bah! A Pox upon those upper management poltroons an' their scabberous muckin' up of perfectly working systems! "Barkeep!! A Pitcher o' what Mad_Jack be havin' an' a pitcher o' Heavy Rum Punch fer me!" Cheers!
  20. Indeed, well put, Capt. Sterling. This generation carries a very thin coating of civilization--but that's another kettle of worms... Cheers!
  21. Ah! So ye WERE meanin' inches...an' here I was thinkin' ye had built a full-scale reproduction. I greatly enjoyed the pic's! An' a fyne first job, too. A piece ye can use and have gleaned some good hands-on building knowledge from. Definitly, I would agree with the suggestion for a wrought iron latch and handles with yer next construction. Ye did a beautious piece of stainin' an' finishin' there, Cap'n Bob! Cheers!
  22. Question; has anyone heard reports on the up-coming period movie, "Libertine"? Aye, it has that Depp feller in it, but what be the premise? Cheers!
  23. Who? Me? (Glances innocently around the pub) In all honesty...I'm still staggerin' about, one eye focussed and a dammedable hangover while trying ta figger out the usage o' all these buttons an' such..'tis been a long while since I last ventured in here, under another skin, an' I've forgotten a bit! Dinna worry...once me R&R time starts, I'll see what I can scrounge up fer yer viewin' pleasure! Cheers!
  24. Indeed lass! 'Twas a mighty fine and well-bespoke toast ye offered up. An' I offer up a toast for yer new Love, and a double offering that he be True to ye, ta care an' cherish the new heart-felt feelin's ye have for him! :) Cheers!
  25. Come now lad, grab a tankard o' the barkeep's best and tell us more about yerself and yer past crim--erm--I mean adventures! Cheers!
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