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Everything posted by CaptainJackRussell

  1. I'm quite tired. It's midnight now, and the full moon is shining directly on my bed. Any try to sleep...well... Just tired...
  2. Moderator: Sorry but the picture is inappropriete for this forum
  3. Cold Iron, cold steel, cold heart, cold blood...why is it so difficult to get a cold sandwich???
  4. What's that large one bottom right???
  5. MRE... So much work, all shops closed before I quitted. Not even a beer at home...
  6. I know you're quite busy, but do you think you'll find a little time to respond to my PN? Grammercy, Jack
  7. Cucumber salad with onion. Unsatisfying, but healthy...
  8. Chilling down from a long days work with a bottle of beer...
  9. Building up my new gear...:)
  10. Crisps. Simple crisps with italian spice. Nothing else at home...
  11. I love Ireland, too. But much more I love Scotland. It's more rough and wild, and there is nothing greater (except being a pirate) then roving across the highlands or riding there. In Ireland I love crossing over Eirne and Shannon Rivers in a houseboat. It's a lot of fun, it's a boat, it's a home for the nights, and you may dock whereever you want to. All this is just one hour by aircraft away from Hamburg. Dreaming... Jack
  12. All the day and night it was stormy, and it rained and snowed like hell! Warm tea and candlelight are quite romantical, but not at three in the afternoon while black clouds let it be nightwise. Here at the coast it often rains, but nearly never snows. This year it will not stop. Aye, even pirates can get the blues... Otherwise, today I have a day off, so I can work on my outfit. Or try the grogtini from another thread here. Take Care, Jack
  13. Having a piratical headache??? If allowed, I'd like to translate (whow, what a work) the recipe and add it to our ships real treasure, the book of cooking (and mixing drink, of course). Full broadside of aspirin for Cap Straw now! Jack
  14. It's afternoon over here, and I'm sitting and looking bored onto my notebook waiting for some friends to have a game of Pirates Cardgame...
  15. Having a well-chilled beer...:) And sewing at my new baldric, which should be finished tomorrow evening at the latest:) It must have a changeable frog for LARP-sword and real one.
  16. If Germany is not too far for you, please ask me for what you need. Gladly I serve you with any swordbelts, baldrics and hangers, sewn or rivited (all handcrafted by my own, as period as requested. Term of trade: I never sell anything! Just expenses, then trading against anything else, but not money. Fair winds, Jack
  17. a cup of tea and a toast with "Leberwurst" (sorry, no idea how this is called outside this country).
  18. I just got up five minutes ago and now I look for the morning news in the web...
  19. "Fire in the glen" by Andy M. Steward
  20. In the pirates days, the harbour fee was normally fixed by the number of the masts (half ship, full ship, schooner...). Today it is set by the tons of loading capacity, either in tons or in toi. Today, if a very modern vessel stays 10 days in Hamburg harbour, it lost all it's worth... Quay charges are and where not the only costs. Cranes, warehoses, horses...all that cost extra. Jack (forwarder at Hamburg at normal business)
  21. Ahoy, ahoy, what, please, are Amanas? If you mean the fruit "Ananas", it's not quite german, it's...caribbean. Acerola-cherry otherwise is german/ european. You can't eat it as a fruit. It's awful sour. Here you get it in sweets and in tablets. Indeed, it boosts up your immune system with it's vitamine-C. Just the thing against scorbute on sea journeys. I can send you some of the sweets or pastills, the fruit itself noone offers 'cause you can't eat. a devil I'm not, lassie. But when looking like me, cooking is the only way to win a lass' heart. yours, Jack
  22. Apfelstrudel & Spaetzle are not common here in the north. Here you get fish in many kinds, cabbage, potatoes, asparagus (now until June). Sweet is "rote Gruetze", a stew of red fruits, served cold with vanilla sauce or icecream. Otherwise, I'm not such a bad cook, so also the Apfelstrudel can be realized. Already bought your ticket?
  23. Gosh...I forgot! Wuerzburg it was, right? Are you german? I think we should meet frequently, but, please note me also for a pair of shoes. Are you going to join our pirate-LARP in August? Fair winds, Jack
  24. Quite tragical. Maybe sometimes you'll come over? My promise for a tea and a massage will be valid until...you're here:)
  25. I would join, but I'm in Germany...
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