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Capt'n Floria

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Everything posted by Capt'n Floria

  1. Floria grins and trys to catch the cushion. She failed and it succeded in finding its mark "Whuffya! She falls backwards and then 'plays dead' "Murph."
  2. this be my latest project. comments and harsh critique is welcome oh, if this ends up too long/boring/against forum guidelines, pinch me and i'll change it
  3. Floria noticed that there was one lad and and at least 5 lasses. Yawning, she stretched and stalked over to the door. She crouched and prepared t'pounce on the first dude to walk past or to the door. After all, what was the point of a spare mast if ye' not be using it? Waiting, she absent-mindedly wondered if she could get the cookie out from under Matts hat without anyone noticing... Although the fact of her being a dragon would kinda make her easy to see...
  4. :) ^ has a pirate haven for a website
  5. i have a friend who enojys shoving money down my top freezin' i tell ye but handy if ye have no pockets
  6. Tired and stiff from shooting m'new longbow for 3 hours last night. But happy now from the fact that i don't have PE today! woot!
  7. Floria chuckled. "Aye,a cat a pirate." Eyeing all the drinks, she returned to the relegation cat bowl. She then turns slightly and watches the Capt'n get kicked out. Pointed teeth showed in a wince before she wrapped 'erself round the vikings ankles again
  8. if my jaw drops any further i might have to get it relocated Lady Barbossa - a tiger? sounds cool t'me. ah X-rated furry art...reminds me a lot of Gazadaz im lovin the pirate for the calendar :)
  9. lotsa snow <shivers> and i have to do orientiring in it <.<;
  10. i have a friend who is trying to get me a collar so i don't run away from him XD meow
  11. getting ready for school. urgh i have pe and gcse re . help!
  12. heh. gives me an idea fer a picture! Floria notices everyone crowding round someone. Flicking her tail, she sneaks over and trys to see who it is. Being small, this little trick means jumping above everybodies shoulders. "Eeeeee..welcome to this 'ere pub! Curling up, she purrs while trying not to snigger at the Captain with the leopard-print top. Pointed teeth show in a snigger before she curls up on the newcomers ankles cheers mateys!
  13. ^ knows how to tease people with cookies >.> yungin? *eeps then nods* Not realllly young though
  14. Floria hears the name sea wolf and grins. "That be an interesting name ye' be having." Tail flicks and she grins
  15. Floria saw that everyone was occupied with matt. Creeping out from under the bed, attempting a rather feline sneak over to the cookie jar. Quietly hums a espionage tune while doing so. Lets just hope Matt didn't call 'er a munchkin again or its cookie time XD
  16. ah, a gathering of artists! this be an excellent place fer me then :3 i love drawing. Fantasy and horror mainly although i do draw normal animals from time t'time. These be a few samples. a picture of me and CAex. this was based on an rpg from Furcadia a gift for Sorwyn of TSC and last of all, a gryphon Master and Commander. yes, i based him on Russell Crowe
  17. ^ sounds cool and has a neat avatar :3
  18. welcome! interesting name! dancing on the tables did i hear? <hops onto a table and breakdances> lets all welcome Maggie with a party! Rums are on me
  19. floria had been busy staying hidden when she heard herself reffered to as a 'munchkin'. Feathered head popped out again and beak was pulled into a snigger. "Aye? Somebody call? Tail flicked and she dived under the bed again, but not before tucking a cookie under Mad Matt's hat. "To be correct, i be' a gryphon in this 'ere thread." A few seconds later, the sound of crunching cookies could be heard
  20. pancakes (2) and a apple&raspberry J2O
  21. Floria waves a cookie at Mad Matt from under the bed "Coookiiiiee!
  22. Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home Floria dances insanely
  23. Floria wanders in, chucks cookies and pillows at everyone then dives under the bed giggling madly :3
  24. half a pizza, chips and coke. possibly with a kiwi after if im still hungry
  25. may i come up with some ideas? a tattoo! sounds cool.
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