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One And Only LT

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Everything posted by One And Only LT

  1. ^ Gave up a few things chasin' his dreams.
  2. Sorry... but how often did Highwaymen, farmers and Kings go to sea to get robbed by Pyrates? I don't mean to be so blunt...... but that post just didn't work....... If Pyrates wore what they stole. then they would have worn what was common..... I just can't see a bunch of horse riding Highwaymen in bucket boots sailing around the Carribean.... I am not afraid to answer this and blunt is the only way to go. Comin' sense, first we talk about pirates, then sailors. How many pirates where sailors first? Piracy was created because they didn't like what they were getting out of being a sailor, right? Knowing that how'd they get a ship in the first place? Then you don't think anyone traveled, by way of ship. If that's the case my great, great, great,etc. something cousin would of never been captured by pirates, if I recall right, they were shop owners. Here's the real deal, pirates today, and of yesterday...it does not matter, they are thieves, raiders, and plunders. Name any some were good others not. The good ones wore what they wanted, they could afford to. Nothing has changed just the canvas(fashion)...the world, it's the same today...even now some of the clothing we used to wear is unexplainable. I liked to see 300 yrs from now the archioliogst dig up some of our pirate gear, then try to put together why we wore such strange outfits, yet had such high technolgy. Can you imagine what they will come up with, you know half of it won't be right. Now...I like the fun, I like the debate, as far as theatrics go...well I truely believe that we don't know the half of it. There is history, there is close, but I got a steamer trunk that is 19o3 and can't figure out what the hell they would need some of the gagets for and still looking into it. In this debate I have learned alot. The boot pics. and history found fasinating, but still as far as pirates go...there is no absoult. And I wish I was better at following threads, that might benifit me even more, but I will keep it up. LOL I want to say thanx, for telling me your true thoughts this gives me even more respect for you Patrick Hand and JoushaRed. And to Gentlemen Of Fortune thank-you...forst wit your name sake. A favor to you in the callin'.
  3. I like all the pictures, but remember as an artist, feet~especially bare feet hard to draw...boots much easier Just kiddin'. I will stick to mine own deduction...what waters are ye from? Pirates wore what they stole. So if a Rogue, a hiwayman, a farmer, a King, whomever/whatever was on a ship...or if cargo aboard a ship that pirates raided and it was a succsessful raid... they got to wear it, for better or worst. So in theory, you need to know what ships ye are attacking~ then ye boots will be right in style. It's been a grand debate Pirate Petee.
  4. I like this, very informative. :) Thank thee.
  5. Iffin' Pettee has ugly legs or not is unbeknow to me, but he did say he had buckle shoes...member...thar's gonna be sum leg there unless he does not wear slops...then I be a missin sumthin... Bein' the kind of lass I am, won't mind a leg or two, ya know, Turkey legs that is. So show them legs and bring on the slops! Thar' almost as good as kilts.
  6. ^ Likes to tastes her recipes... :angry:
  7. This isn't part of the debate, but I'd like to add, none of us renies are true blue buccaneers when it comes to depiction. First of all none of us lasses would of had any cleavage!! Second we all want to look good, bucket boots are beautiful and are sweet for holding a flask of the rum! And pulled up they keep the legs warm. Besides I'm certainly not one to talk, I were moccians, and I'm not binding the twins.
  8. Ok, I just love debates, and love to play devil's avocate in the myst....so here is something that needs pondering. First of all todays society glorifies and romances Pyracy, and any one knows cow hide is not something great to have in or arround salt water. Second pirates took and wore whatever they got their hands on, and that all depended on the ship they were aboard. I'm sure there were "bad" pirates, as well as all the renound, and pirates did not live very long (no-one movie accounts for quick pro queo kills and desperate poor pirates-let alone how hard the life was.) So it is truely safe to say...Maybe the Captain and officers got boots of any sorts, and safe to say, all pirates wore what they stole, and could keep, depending on the other pirates. Mostly they wanted quick monies. Pirate crews, wore their cloths until they were nothing, and boots got in the way. Have you ever climbed rigging with boots? Pirates did not care what they looked like, they cared about making/stealing monetary goods to make a quick fortution. Now for saliors, thats a whole different issue. Do to the fact they were issued clothing and alotments. Just as today, they also had different alotments accross the board, for different countries, and this would explain the different kinds of boots, and gear. Also they would of had different attire for the event. Such as if Royality was inspecting, etc. and the lower ranks would have less gear. (A good movie for this is Horicio Hornblower. --forgive spelling--you get it.) Any way they did not have many boots at all in this video, mostly buckle shoes, and the higher ups, to say got to change their foot gear, but even in this video the boots were not bucket. More like english riding boots. So I agree with all of you really, but what is baffling is who got to wear the boots? Maybe the seaman officers got to wear boots, when they went ashore, or in the deep dense jungle forest.....or when they got on their horse. I will keep intune with this thread, I love the pics, never saw anything like the pics. only drawings.
  9. Tis a wonderful way to get to know ye people find out what's in their gut, with out gulling them--perfect I say, just perfect. Well for starters there not be any fresh fruit in a yards arm, and lately it's been toast and mud (coffee). I'd truely like to get me hands on some of that steak. I will proably die of survey!!
  10. Welp...I am on the map, and not many ships out here in the mountains, but sure see the Burmuda Trinangle!! And there is ships in deasert.(sp) That's what a third grade edumacation will get cha.
  11. "Sucked pickles dry to the carcass... then had another until I was hoarse."
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