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Zephaniah W Nash

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Everything posted by Zephaniah W Nash

  1. Ya ain't afeered that iffen ya bring Will into it, then Art will get jealous...?
  2. You'd think he would be, if it weren't fer the three other blokes what gotta hold him down...
  3. Dunno exactly how much of a run this one will actually have, it's as much an excuse for swordplay as it is a bit of theatrical literature. It's mainly an idea we've been working on here for use in any stage combat demonstrations/workshops we get - a bit more than the usual, "this is a sword, this is how you use it." Although, if it works with an audience, it will go into any faire auditions we get a chance to do. Will likely be missing this season all 'round for any attempts at joining a faire, but if things go the way we're all hoping them to, we'll have time to do art for art's sake...
  4. Whensomever I finish writing a script, serious drinking is necessary. As the weather out is frightful - well, rainy, dark, and depressin', anyways, I'll buy a round here for folks to enjoy. And after a month or two o' tinkerin', it might actually be worth staging somewheres or other. Cheers to ye all!
  5. Regarding Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, it does help some to be a Shakespeare fan, and it helps even more to be an Existentialist - okay, you don't have to be one, but it helps to know a bit of the ideas and mental calisthenics they tend to go through. And if you think the movie is confusing, try reading or (if you can ever find it being done) seeing the original play. Even crazier. But, if nothing else, it probably contributed to the Simpsons making the reference to RosenCarl and GuildenLenny. Even so, any time I flip a coin and it comes up heads, I have to worry just a tiny bit...
  6. I got Firefly at the top, which I'm all good with. For those asking, definitely watch the series before the movie. Same characters and setting, but something of a different tone than most of the series. From what I've heard people saying, for the most part, those that saw some or all of the series really liked the movie, those that didn't see the series didn't like the movie as much. Personally, I would think those that got Firefly at the top should have Bebop closer to the top than I got, but hey, I'm no psychologist, as the writer of this poll surely were. I mean, they would have to be, wouldn't they...? And surely they mean the new Battlestar Galactica series, rather than the old one. I hope, I hope, I hope...
  7. Actually, still trying to find a hat I really like. I've got the cavalier-type, which has since become just a wide-brim (I lost the pin one day and the shape went away, but I'm beginning to prefer it as-is). I do tend to wear my scarf or a bandanna quite a bit, but that's mostly to keep m'poor baldin' skull warm in winter and un-sunburned in summer...
  8. I'm figuring on season passes this year. It's only about 45 minutes away, and with a season pass, it's a pretty cheap form of entertainment, with going regularly.
  9. Shoulda paid more attention to my scheduling there... Maybe I can hit the Four Winds earlier then, figuring to hit Scarborough opening weekend. And the second... And the third...
  10. I might try to make it, p'ticularly for the pyrate weekend, o'course. Too far in the future for any definite plans - right now I can barely plan out what I'm doing tomorrow...
  11. The only projects hereabouts aren't all that terribly exciting, or even constructive. Something of a holding pattern going on right now, can't make any serious long-term plans until we find out how a few things completely out of our control go, so it's the shorter-term stuff on the table. Trying to get back into the practice of swordplay. Until recently, it's been a long stretch of working and pretty much nothing else, so I was having trouble remembering which end of the sword to hold. And in the sitting-down time, trying to pull together several scripts worth of material. The brainstorming sessions (usually over multiple pitchers of beer at Hooters or some such) really have to be hammered out - over slightly fewer pitchers of beer, most likely.
  12. I found one for about $5, which will suit my needs, but may not for those who want 'em for... um... more serious purposes. It's about two-thirds of the way down the page. I've ordered several things from this site over time (don't know why I didn't check sooner, just not the place I woulda thunk had 'em). By The Sword - The Dungeon The only thing bad about the site is they don't have a real fast turnaround from order to delivery (two to three weeks, sometimes).
  13. Why be a pirate...? Why, the company o' such fine folks as these what hang around these parts, o' course. That, plus I'm a ren-faire geek and historical geek and frustrated actor (tech pays the bills better 'round here) with the whole attraction of the sea (that I've not actually been on enough to know what I'm longing after, most likely) and gosh-darn it, people think I'm piratical in general, so I may as well take the chance to act it out when I can.
  14. Erm, entertainer that tries to sneak some re-enactment in when I can...? Particularly with swordplay, an actual swordfight was quick and to the point - or the edge. Not long enough to really work in a theatrical setting, which is where I started all this zaniness. A swordfight is expected to look like what is expected from a swordfight, rather than the reality. When doing a demonstration, though, I try to point that out, and have a bit o' both, to show the difference...
  15. Do not disturb my circles - be unwilling uproar round meos. Yeah, sounds about right to me... *L* I know, most of these translators are pretty terrible, but sometimes amusing.
  16. I don't know how good it is, but: translator
  17. Apart from the ones that are pretty much general fare: The Darwin fish tat, that the artist doing it described as "the most intelligent tattoo I've ever given." And the comedy/tragedy masks done as skulls has gotten more than a few comments. Other than those, the ones that get the most comments - from others with ink - are the ones up each ribcage, which usually get comments along the lines of, "You fool, that had to hurt like sin!" They're right, too. Even the artist that did those started laughing when I told him where I wanted 'em, and said, "It's always good to meet someone as stupid as me..."
  18. I'm looking for a couple of extremely cheap ones meself - one fer a gag-gift that's going along with a real gift, so I'm wantin' to keep it cheap, and the other is going to end up with about half the tails missing, so I wouldn't want to ruin one that's even halfway decent. If I can't find one hereabouts at a headshop or a fleamarket, anybody know of a cheap one to be had online? And I'm talking in the under ten dollar range of cheap...
  19. Yeah, the abduction - even in garb - wouldn't be a good idea here in Texas either, too many armed folks about. Now, the burying of the treasure chest... That could be a good idea down about in Galveston where my sister lives (and has that lovely pyrate history), or on the Brazos river - and even funnier on the river, since in our parts unless things are flooding, the water don't often get deep enough to float a fishing boat, much less a ship. Carry the rowboat, set it down to dig the hole, carry the rowboat away...
  20. As for the looking old part, I actually agree with you - at the time they were new, of course they wouldn't look old. But for them what don't actually think that far through, if it doesn't look old, it doesn't look right to 'em. So, as props, I like 'em aged if it's being seen by the uninitiated. It's sad when you have to be wrong to look right, but that's the case in too many aspects of life...
  21. The map be one of the far East, a place I'd like ter plunder one o' these days. That, and it's the only one they had at ther place I was map shoppin' that partic'lar day. One o' the letters is a broadside lookin' to hire on new crew for the Scandalous - and as there are a few tacked about here 'n' there, I do get some e-mails from folks what think I'm short a mast here in good old Cowtown. T'other is one of maybe a dozen letters of marqe we've put together from here and there - all right, just the one place, actually, from me printer into a pan full o' coffee to make 'em pass inspection.
  22. I've read all of Aubrey-Maturin books (working on the third time through) except for the final, unfinished one. That one just struck me as being entirely too depressing, knowing there's no more to come... For the same time period (but set mostly on land) I'd recommend Cornwell's Sharpe series. I've read them horribly, horribly out of order - I just pick up the ones I happen to see at Half-Price Books, rather than paying full price. "Sharpe's Trafalgar" is a notable exception to the landlocked fare, it's on a ship - at Trafalgar, oddly enough. The BBC series made from the books isn't too bad to watch, but don't be expecting anything similar to the books other than Sharpe's name. Nelson's "Brethren of the Coast" are all right, for something nautical to read, though nothing I'd go out of my way to read again - unless it's a really slow night at work.
  23. Ghosts - you gotta believe in 'em to see 'em... As stagehand trash I've worked in quite a few theatres, and any theatre older than five years is haunted by one or more ghoulies - I think it's a union rule. Never seen nothin' I couldn't explain, even when that explanation is that the spirit in question came out of a bottle...
  24. You can also put pictures of various sorts into any carry on and read prop (book, magazine, newspaper) for an actor stepping on stage. An actor playing a preacher, for instance, opening that hymnal (actual Bibles on stage are considered unlucky, for some reason - but so is most everything else you can think of to those wacky actors) to find a nekkid picture of his own girlfriend (I'll never tell how I got my hands on THAT pic) is a nice way to spice up a long-running show that everyone is getting tired of...
  25. Added a few more to the same album... pics Always gotta do the picture taking early, 'cuz after that the drinking starts, and the pictures just get blurrier and blurrier... Or is it just my seeing of them what gets blurry...?
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