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Everything posted by Capt.Rummy

  1. Me as Alice Cooper....still working on it
  2. Hmmm... ok well then nevermind cause I made a forum and I guess its better if I just use that for my reviews and put in my links. I just wasnt sure where to put it or if we could do anything with it in this forum as a sticky. But anybody who drinks rum n wants to know more come on by, join up and review. Help me get this puppy started... SIGN UP HERE Ive had a few too many tonight myself being Saturday so Imma get back to drinkn. Just thought Id check up. *end thread*
  3. wicked that helped a lot thanks. Yes, lobster is good.
  4. Ha! Sweet yeah... but I heard theres some countries hiring agencys to hunt pirates. heres a link to an artical: US FIRM
  5. Niiiice, good to see others. ya i have most albums, im looking for hard to get ones atm...
  6. I know a way to a Pyrates heart: RUM. Right? I should hope so... Anyways I wanted to ask... I wanna create a sticky post for Rum reviews so we can keep coming to it and reading or posting more reviews to it. Is that possible? If not I can make a cheap lil forum seperate for people to bookmark if they like. What would you pyrates like to see? I made: Rum Reviews so if you would like to join please help me out and start it up for me! I would love you guys forever! And you would love me for making such a cool rum review! HyarrR!
  7. Ha! funny stuff. I think Poison is uber cheese, I love it. ...im such an Alice freak that Id blast Poison anyday! His earlier albums are my fave
  8. Dunno if it is considered history but I wasnt sure where else to put it. I heard that the navy or some agency was hired to hunt pirates recently. Or is it the Navy? Anybody have more info on this? (what a job, how cool is that?)
  9. Alice Cooper fans? Just wondering, I love alice. Hes one of my top idols... He is a god.
  10. Im not gonna lie. I get kinda horny... and Im not normally but I am when Im dunk. Unless I drink rum, but I only drink rum to relax me. Although I still get a little randy... HEY! Im young! Im a man! Whadda ya expect? haha
  11. Avast! I have added meself to the boards!
  12. yeah mate nice work. Very well done. What kind of tools do you use? can u buy sets? i wanna look for a set, what would u recommend? Ive tried with some old tools but they werent strong enough.
  13. Ive got plenty of booty to be spending on what me heart desires
  14. all alone crying in my rum
  15. i have the song from disney a pirates life. If you have the DVD you can extract it from there, or try Limewire. MP3s arent dirty, MP3s are a gift from pirates all over the net!
  16. Do you make the coats etc?
  17. no prob! Looks like goodtimes
  18. maneuver.... myeh i know that was lame.
  19. Hyarr! *hops on board ship, sails to video store*
  20. Canada loves weapons! We'll take 'em!! lol I LOVE that coat IMz002m SIZE MEDIUM but had some questions 1) whats it made from? 2) is the price canadian? 3) what other clothing in black do you sell that would go well with it?
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