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Everything posted by DeadcrowIsland

  1. Have you seen the music video for Balls to the Wall? I liked it, except for the part where Udo was swinging around on the wrecking ball. Another album to add to me list: -Amon Amarth - Fate Of Norns Every year I get into this mood where I can't listen to anything except that album.
  2. I could certainly try and write a set o' rules. Jes' give me some piratey sounding names, an' I'll see what I can do.
  3. Aye mate. I gots me one 'o those and dey good fer practicing with a set of good cans but I must be warning ye, they can produce alot 'o irritatin' digital noize. I've tried mine with and w/o a power supply and 4 AA's works de best jest make sure dey are fresh. I've recorded with mine and get some decent tones however don't git to too close to de monitor or other analog devices cause it can pick up 60 cycle hums and digital fragments especially with da mid frequency presets. Aye, many a thanks for the tips. Me favourite setting be a custom one I made, fretless effect with a light bit of thrash distortion. It's like playing a fretless bass through a freshly blown speaker... or being gummed to death by an angry senior, either way, it sounds cool. :)
  4. As they say when buying suppositories; with friends like these, who needs enemas?
  5. Jewels of the Dead
  6. What albums have ye been findin' yerself listenin' to the most lately? Here's me top 3: 1. Rumplestiltskin Grinder - Buried In The Front Yard 2. Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion 3. Orgh - Forest Sessions
  7. Sound of Perseverance
  8. Well, I jes' aquired a new piece o' gear fer me bass arsenal; ZOOM 506II Bass Multi-effects Pedal. It's got a whole ton o' crap from distortion to phaser, to jes' about any sort o' wierd sound, it's fun. As fer me singin', I kin do a number o' styles, rangin' from clean vocals (I'm a bass by the way), to death growls.
  9. Aye, divorce be a nasty thing. Many o' me friend's lives have been near shattered by it. One man in me neighbourhood spends almost every wakin' minute that ain't spent at work drinkin', I'm surprised he hasn't gotten alcohol poisoning. I always knew he was a heavy drinker, but he now drinks so much he forgets everyones' name, and he's lived 'ere long as I can remember. Hope ye make it through all right mate.
  10. Alberta Metal Powertabs Forum And a couple others I think
  11. Captain Jim, that certainly be quite a piece o' work ye gots there, the finished product should be absolutely amazin'. Nelson Cooke, sounds like it'll be an enjoyable read. I meself was thinkin' o' writin' a short story or two involvin' pirates, although there's probably be a (un)healthy dose o' Lovecraftian horror in there too.
  12. Nay, not yet. As soon as a drummer is found (or a drum machine purchased) recording will begin. As fer a site, one is in the works.
  13. I've been most interested in aquiring a hornpipe, anyone know where I can get one? I saw one on this site called littlescotland.com for $248 (CAN), but I was thinking of checking around before deciding.
  14. Aye, watchin' 'em play it live on the 'hallucinogenetics' DVD is awesome, Les Claypool is a bass god.
  15. Well, aside from me band (we're thinking of calling it 'Tortuga'), I'm trying to work on costuming, starting with the basics. Unfortunately, the only piece of fabric I can find in me house that would make a passable headscarf has been written all over with a sharpie, so I'm gonna have t'get a new one. I've also been workin' on some pirate-themed computer games using a simple program called Gamemaker, I got a small minigame called "Sea Voyage" done, and may start another soon.
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