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Dread Mach Brannigan

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Everything posted by Dread Mach Brannigan

  1. Love Bites - Def Leppard
  2. De suit fit.
  3. One 'o those flippin' plastic thingys ye put tissues in. I put water in it and gave it to the dog.
  4. Sorry first link didn't work but I re-submitted it, should work now.
  5. During the summer me and buddy of mine recorded a song about Pyrates', it's not a sea shanty or metal song but more of a Caribbean groove with character's(Pirate voices) we created for a more comical adventure. This is in the works to be re-mixed and mastered. The first minute of this is our band of Notorious Seadawgs' trying to bury th'er treasure before the music kicks in, So ye bin warned. Would like yer opinions mates' Hope ye enjoy! http://www.guitaristworks.com/forum/files/..._final3_927.mp3
  6. 'Till Gabriel blows his horn.
  7. The legal system is strange and corrupted almost beyond recognition. The integrity of law, its religious roots, its transcendent quality are disappearing. Theoretically, even if he did recant would that justify the actions taken against him? Maybe, maybe not, he was a gang leader and probably involved with others. Even though some claim he was "re-formed" behind bars, he denied himself salvation because he chose to. His fault for not speaking out. OJ Simpson swore he didn't do it...but who did? No other suspects involved on that one. DNA samples were planted at the scene as part of a conspiricy ...Right!
  8. When I wuz in me muscle car club..."Mach 5" When I wuz in one of me bands..."Cruiser" At work..."Gar" At home when I'm in trouble..."Ye Baysid"
  9. (Uhh the thought of being in a 4-some with Jimmie Walker is frightening)
  10. Yeah this is cool, I've seen this from another site and read the article. He was on several shows talking about it. He runs it off a computer generated program and can change the sequences with different music. Nice concept, but do you think he has alot of time on his hands...Clark Griswald
  11. J.J. "Dyn-o-mite" Evans
  12. Riddle: Why can't lesbians who wear make-up go on a diet? Hmmmmm... are ye thinkin? Answer: Cause they can't eat Jenny Craig while Mary Kay's on their face.
  13. I'm wiv ya on dat Diego! I do like de Christmas tyme an all, but I wuz out stringin' me lights all weekend...jest where did de fun go in that? Seemed more like flippin' werk, but dey look might fine once they all lit up. Need ta find some Pyrate lights fer de holiday.
  14. Raw oysters, Shrimp & Crab Kappamaki (cucumber roll sushi), oh and Yuengling Ale.
  15. Aye thanks fer listening mate' Tis not me usual type 'o music and not thee best production I've mixed, but it sure wuz one fun song ta do. I'ave a bunch 'o tunes I've recorded but tis is thee only Pyrate tune I've done. Get ye some drum mics and a mixer and maybe we can do a song or two over the net. Lots 'o fun layin down & sending tracks back and forth and finally comin' up wiv something from a rough draft. I'ave a few mates' from all over the world that collab and play music...fun stuff!
  16. I wuz in de same boat the last 2 years. What I did for the office party thing wuz, I compiled some good christmas songs and burned Christmas CD's on my computer and handed them out at the party. Didn't cost anything but the blank CD's and went over real well with everyone.
  17. Uh new Geetar would be nyce :)
  18. Ok I'll post the link. This is in the works to be re-mixed and mastered. The first minute of this is our band of Notorious Seadawgs' trying to bury th'er treasure before the music kicks in, So ye bin warned Hope ye enjoy! http://www.guitaristworks.com/forum/files/..._final3_927.mp3
  19. That's sad when ya hear of something like this. People should really take these things more seriously. I have lived in Fla. all my life all across the Panhandle and these Hurricanes show no mercy. I have ridden 'em out at times but never on a boat. The storm surge can get so high you never know what will happen. Anyway, the next 4 to 5 seasons should produce some might strong 'Canes that supposely will be record breakers. I be evacuatin'!
  20. Yeah I know wha ye mean. Our old band wuz like square blocks though, no rolling...jest sitting still and doin' nutin', not even tryin' to roll uphill so evrything went downhill from there. I jest do recordin' now in me home studio with PC software and collaborate with others over the net, lots'o fun that way and no deadlines. I'll go and check out yer music at CD Baby, I have some buds th'er with music also. Check out Soundclick & Mixposure alot of talent on dem pages. If your into recording check out GuitaristWorks we have alot of great musicians postin' original music...lots'o right nice folks be hangin' th'er and very helpful.
  21. One of dem lords musta lost his jewel during a sword fight if'ns th'er is only eleven I like yer sword fightin' smilie/emoticon...where'd I download those on the net? Hey mate' jest right click on the emoticon and copy thee URL add. in your explorer add bar. Many a ones th'er to be had.
  22. Mick, congrats on ye Plunderin' rank mate' --'ave a drink of ye choice me hearty!
  23. Hey Cool drum kit Swifty. Been playing for...well forever, since I was about 6 or 7 years old. Played in alot of bands and did some short-lived session work because there aint' much money in it...hehe! Played in rock, country, bluegrass and a little jazz bands(partial to classic rock) off and on over the years and gave it up for about 12 years. Then about 3 years ago I got the itch again and was introduced to Home software recording and the bug has bitten once again. I have had numerous instruments and toys over the years which most of them have been sold. PA's, amps, guitars, & anything from Washtub Basses to Kazoos. I recently picked up a new Greg Bennett LP copy that is amazing. Greg is a marketing genius and luthier that builds some terrific instruments. Got a 1956 ole trutone archtop eqiupped with a P-90 style pup like the old melody makers, a '73 Harmony HH6691 rare acoustic, a Gibson/Epi Bass, a fender P-bass(modified), '85 Yamaha BB1600, Wurz spinnet piano, several amps Peaveys, Hartkes, looking at the new Crate Palominos (awesome Class A tube amps), J-Station for direct recording, various pedals, Behringer mixer, shure dynamic mics 57's-58's, tons of recording and mastering software, and more goodies to fill the need etc... During the summer me and buddy of mine recorded a song about Pyrates', it's not a sea shanty or metal song but more of a Caribbean groove with character's(Pirate voices) we created for a more comical adventure. If'ns ya want to hear it I'll post it here if I can upload it to this forum or maybe just a link.
  24. One of dem lords musta lost his jewel during a sword fight if'ns th'er is only eleven
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