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Captain Cronus

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Everything posted by Captain Cronus

  1. ahoy, I be lookin' for a pirate hat what would look more piratey, the beforementioned Cavalier's hat? or the Tricorn here or is there a better option?
  2. What are the 7 seas that are always talked about in pirate stories? -Cronus
  3. kinda off topic... are there any good pirate books that are fictional?
  4. Hmm Canada... there was someone on Sword Forum International looking for crews in Canada. Are you with a crew? If so where? Taking on new members? BTW Ren. Faires and pirate festivals are good places to find pirate garb. I've peice things from traditional clothing from ethnic neighborhood shops, belly dancing events, costumers yard sales, & pirate swap meets. Just a comment, real pirate captain are unlikely to have eyepatches and hooks. Too disabled to be taken seriously. OTOH a ship's cook... Ahoy, I didn't know about any Canadian crew, could ye toss me a link?
  5. Thanks and all TalesOfTheSevenSeas but I'm male... so me in females clothing doesn't go to well... (you look quite good in that) Pirates of the Caribbean eh? I'll have to check out what they are wearing. I havn't seen it yet but I plan to sometime soon.
  6. I'm new to what would make me look mighty piraty... from that site what do you recomend (I am male by the way). or any other site for that matter. (just tell me the name of the item and the site.) I wanna be the best looking pirate in Canada EDIT: Also I'm thinking about just a normal pirate not a captain...
  7. what I want is to look like some of those pictures from the Pirates in Paradise Festival. I want to look like the traditional Pirate Captain. Eyepatch, Hook, Sword, Hat, and obviously the actual costume. EDIT: if someone can help me piece together something that looks like one of those it'd be great. Cuz I don't know what to look for exactly in the actual costume, that's why I've come to you guys who are very piratey, and prolly know exactly what to get. So if someone has some free time after reading this and can suggest what pieces of piratey clothing I should get it'd be great. Also.. nothing OVERLY expensive (like those pirate boots that cost $500+)
  8. I be wonderin' where a self respectin' pirate like meself could be gettin' a new pirate costume (online, or somethin' that tells me what kind of material to make mine outta) I be lookin' for the Captain Look
  9. ahoy mateys, I can't wait to be tryin' to talk like a pirate on the 19th. Not only shall I speak it I shall also dress up for it. this should be fun.
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