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Another great RC Pirate Ship - This one with a Remote Control Cannon on board! Check it out here: http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/rc-pirate-s.../index.html#top Here's a pic of it: http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/store/asset.../pirshi_pop.jpg Enjoy, ThePirateKing www.ThePirateKing.com
This has always been one of my all-time favorite Pirate films! My favorite line was when Yellowbeard told Dan that "She couldn't be your mother - No woman ever slept with me and lived!" Awesome, The Pirate King www.ThePirateKing.com
Raiders and Rebels: The Golden Age of Piracy Author: Frank Sherry Length: 404 pages Publisher: Backinprint.com Language: English ISBN: 0595144128 This is possibly the best book I have ever read on the topic of Piracy - I cannot recommend it highly enough! Synopsis: From 1692 to 1725 pirates sailed the oceans of the world, terrorizing seamen and plundering ships laden with the riches of India, Africa, South America and the Caribbean. Beneath these well known facts lies the true story of pirates. They were common men and women escaping the social and economic restrictions of 18th-century Europe. Their activities threatened the beginnings of world trade and jeopardized the economic security of several European nations even as they formed one of the first true democracies in the world. Some of my other favorites are listed here: http://www.thepirateking.com/historical/books.htm
At this point I think I've got just about all of them, from 1900 (Silent era) to modern day and have the original posters to go with each of them. The hard part now will just be keeping it up to date! Check it out and let me know if you see any that need to be added: http://www.thepirateking.com/movies/index.htm Thanks for the help! Rob "The Pirate King" Ossian
The Texas Renaissance Festival runs October and November at Plantersville, Texas, and it is a phenomenal event. The fair ground are permanent, and the festival has been in place for over 20 years so it well established and highly popular. People come from as far away as Dallas to this Houston area fest. Although TRF has the usual festival personalities, the Pirate community is ALWAYS well represented. Here is a link to their official website: http://www.texrenfest.com See you there! The Pirate King http://www.ThePirateKing.com
What compsies a "Pirate Movie"? Damn good question. I started with the obvious "any movie with a Pirate IN it", then expanded that definition to "any movie I damn well felt like including". In all seriousness, the ones that aren't strictly Pirate movies like 1921's "Cold Steel" or "Master & Commander" just happened to embody the spirit of Pirate films, even if the director accidentally forgot to include them in the films. He was probably just busy with "stuff"... By the way - The SeaBeaver Rocks! I've been a fan of your site for awhile now. Your ad for 'Pirate Air' is one of my faves. Thanks for the feedback, Rob "The Pirate King" Ossian
One of my shipmates has finally finished building his own two seater airplane, and rightfully deemed it to have some Piratical noseart. The problem has been to come up with some sort of Pirate slogan under the Skull and Crossbones imagery... We were thing some sort of "Death from Above!" type of phrase, but obviously with more of a Pirate twist to it. Any ideas? Thanks, Pirate King
A picture of me and my crew, the SeaHawks of Scarborough Faire: Arr, The Pirate King
Bunch of songs and lyrics here: http://www.thepirateking.com/music/index.htm Enjoy, The Pirate King
Actually, the song commonly associated witht he Pirates of the Carribean ride is called "The Derelict", and the words to it can be found here: http://www.thepirateking.com/music/derelict.htm Hope this helps, The Pirate King
Thanks for the feedback ! I'm not sure what problems you were having Enigma, but I was able to search via ctrl-F with no problems. The only thing the anticopy scripting does is prevent highlighting. Unfortunately, this means that your search results are not highlighted when found. Give it another try and search for something less common, like 'polanski' or something and you'll see thata you are jumping around the page, or you can just scroll up and down the page (which is also in alphabetical order, lol). I hate to have the anti-copy stuff at all, but unfortunately it is necessary to keep your content from duplicating itself all over the web. Last time I checked unique word strings on google, one of the bios I had written for my site had been copied and pasted verbatim on over 400 seperate web pages! Guess that's why they call it "Copyright Piracy", eh? Anyway, thanks again for the feedback! The Pirate King
I was up in Alberta, Canada recently on a business trip and stumbled pretty outstanding at the West Edmonton Mall (at 87th Avenue and 170th Street in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). A huge chunk of the mall is built with a general underwater theme complete with water park), complete with a fairly accurate and nearly life size Spanish Nao floating in a huge saltwater lake right in the middle of the place. The ship floating above it was built at False Creek, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where it was hand carved and painted before being transported in flat-bed trucks across the Rocky Mountains to Edmonton. Apparently they do weddings, receptions and special functions and other stuff on it, but it was just empty while I was there. The lake is also pretty amazing, approximately 122m (400') long and up to 6m (20') deep long and filled with salt water and transported living coral. Professionally speaking as a Nautical Archaeologist, I have to admit they really managed to get a lot more of the ship's design and rigging right than most touring replicas do. (Just try to ignore the totally unrealistic figurehead, lol!) Here are some links to more photos of the ship, in case you are interested: http://www.flickr.com/photos/basel/5648824...in/set-1223537/ http://www.spunwithtears.com/050212.html Enjoy, The Pirate King http://www.ThePirateKing.com
For a few weeks now I have been compiling a list of every Pirate themed movie ever made (silent era to present) and I've got a pretty good list going now. However, even at 300+ films, I'll be the first to confess that there are probaly quite a few that I'm still missing. If anyone out there is interested in the project, take a look at the list and let me know if you see any that need to be added: http://www.thepirateking.com/movies/index.htm Thanks for the help! Rob "The Pirate King" Ossian
And a shamelsss plug of my own pirate site: http://www.ThePirateKing.com Everything you ever wanted to know about Pirates, Privateers, Explorers, Buccaneers, Sailing, Shipwrecks and Nautical Archaeology.
Anyone know a good source for some decent repro Wheel lock pistols at a fair price? Thanks, The Pirate King http://www.ThePirateKing.com
Email Jake at: http://www.captainjakes.com/ Tell him you were referred by "Dread Fred" from Scarborough and he'll likely share some tips with you on how to get started. He's beeen playing for over 15 years and sells them as a nigh full time gig. Good Luck, PirateKing http://www.raidersandrebels.com
Trying to find some details about a pirate named Captain Balestrier. It's proving difficult to hard to find very much information on him. He was (c.1709-1742) Majorcan, and active in the eastern Mediterranean sea.... Anyone have a bio or anything more on him than this? Thanks, PirateKing http://www.raidersandrebels.com
I am searching for specific info regarding the flag of Benjamin Hornigold. Does anyone know what it looked like? If so, please reply! Thanks, PirateKing http://www.raidersandrebels.com
Thanks Red Maria! I can blend this in with the data I currently have and it just might be enough to finish the bio. Thanks for the help, Rob "Pirate King" Ossian http://www.raidersandrebels.com
I have been researching for awhile but seem to have hit a wall on this one. Specifically, I cannot find anything substantive regarding the pirate Captain John Yeats (also referred to as Yeates). I have found some minor references to Vane giving command of a captured prize to Yeats, who then sails away with it (abandoning Vane/Roberts). Does anyone have anything reasonably definitive on this pirate? Thanks, Rob "Pirate King" Ossian http://www.raidersandrebels.com