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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Yeah, we're trashing the car speakers with our CD!! CRANK IT UP BABY!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! *sings* Dum de dum dum, dee dee dum, dum dum!!!!! I think we need to write some words to the score!
  2. I had a suggestion that I should remove the Johnny Depp interview questions, as they were not a part of the movie and were not necessarily something a people would have read. Do most of you agree I should replace the questions based on the interview with movie trivia? I'm very happy to do so if people who have taken it feel it would make a better quiz that way. Feedback would be much appreciated!
  3. I fired my Queen Anne for the first time out on the Royaliste last Saturday.... Love it!! It fires very nicely and I had a blast!
  4. I just got the "Adventure" wooden model for my husband for his birthday. Looking at the parts, it should be a beauty when he and my son finish it up!
  5. Artemisia was an awesome pirate! She is the earliest pirate on record and did her thang around 480 BC and she kicked arrrrrse! Artemisia Granuaille "Grace" O'Malley was another. She was an Irish Chieftain who led men in battles both on land and sea, and became aquainted with the Queen of England. She's regarded as a heroine in Ireland and a pirate elsewhere. (She is also a great way to get your pirate guild into a St. Patrick's Day parade!!) Grace O'Malley Here are some books you might enjoy... "Women Sailors and Sailor's women" by David Cordingly, "Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger" by Ulrike Klausmann, Marion Mainzerin and Gabriel Kuhn "She Captains" by Joan Druett "Bold in her Breeches; Women Pirates Across the Ages" by Jo Stanley (Editor) Diane Murray &Anne Chambers "Granuaile; The Life and Times of Grace O'Malley" by Anne Chambers
  6. Thanks for the link Cap'n!! We were infected too. Aarrrr, ye' know how th' bloody viruses spread when it comes t' pirates!! Break out the mercury mates and head for sick bay before the 16th of August when this virus takes hold o' yer bullocks!! I used the link at work and cleaned up my whole department. A hearty thanks for saving me the time of looking this up! Smooth sailin' at the college this mornin' thanks to ye' Cap'n!!
  7. That's the real me over there during a recent parade.
  8. I just chose one and it is down at the bottom. Will "Poison Quill" do? Or Claire is fine if you like
  9. I don't know how you pirates will feel about this one.. but I stumbled across a bootleg copy of the Pirates of the Caribbean script. Some guy apparently sneaked in a recording device then transcribed it... Pirating the Pirates, as it were. POTC Bootleg Script Hmmmm.... Me knows not if we should we keelhaul the bloody rogue, or welcome him as our brethren?!!
  10. Scy, I think this page from Rogue's Cove may help. Salty Talk
  11. Aye-Aye Cap'n! I knows n' order when I hears one!!
  12. Captain W. Elizabeth R., How cool to get married at the festival!! WAY TO GO PIRATE GAL!!! I sure wish I could be there to see it!! Post the photos for us will you? On the subject of my family from Bear Holler TN. The family name is/was Britton. There are some very old gravestones from our family there. The family moved to CA around 1935 or thereabouts. If there are any Arteburn's, they would be relatives also.
  13. I found a non-authentic buckle that I couldn't resist today... Silver scull and crossed swords, like on Jack Rackham's flag. Not quite sure what I'm gonna do with it yet as I already have a more authentic belt already, but I couldn't resist it!
  14. I agree, on the pacific coast, the Ojai Pirate Faire is a good gathering as just about all the pirate crews from hither, thither and yon attend. And any unattached pirates are again invited to attach themselves to Tales of the Seven Seas if they'd like a crew to raid, pillage and plunder with 'till their black heart's content!! talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com
  15. It would appear that the question on Barbossa's ring gave people the most trouble! The reason why I knew it was that I had admired the ring when it came up for auction on Ebay. Then, when I saw POTC for the third time, I noticed that there is a very clear and fairly long shot of the ring when Barbossa is holding Aztec coin medalian- But of course, being pirates, your attention was completely distracted by the presence of gold and it is unlikely that you'd notice the ring!! So don't feel badly if you missed that one! Jamaica Rose pointed out that I had misspelled AnaMaria and left the La out of Isla de la Muerta! Now, for your piratical homework assignment, you all have to go back and see the movie AGAIN and watch for the questions that you missed! A ...And if anyone objects, just tell 'em it is a mandatory homework assignment!! :)
  16. Beautiful design Jamaica Rose... But Royaliste, although branding the raised letters from the six-pounder onto me backside might be be an option, I think if I had me druthers, I'd go with the flourishing R's with the one facing backerds, as the Royaliste carries on the aft cabin window... Then, when me grandchildren gather 'round to hear me tell the tales o' the days when thier granny sailed under a pirate cap'n, I kin drop me bloomers, show 'em me double RR's and say "Aye kids! 'Tis a true story and here be the very mark o' the Royaliste to prove it is so! The Royaliste were the most feared pirate on the bay in her day! And she were known as the ship where even the R's are a wee bit twisted.... like her captain!!!!"
  17. Ye' mean t' tell me Royaliste that we're gonna get the double RR's tattooed on our aRRses?!!!
  18. My mom's side has all the bloodlines and some amazing stories. But my dads family comes from the illustrious community of Bear Holler Tennessee!! (yup it's really spelled just like that!!) When my dad & his brothers and sisters were born at home, they were the first generation to have birth certificates. My grandmother didn't want them to say Bear Holler on them, so she put down Rogersville, the nearest town! My grandpa didn't even know what his real name was, because he'd been called Brother or "Brud" all his life. When he came down out of the hills, he stayed with someone named "Aunt Mint" who wanted to name him Alfred after her son who died. So he took the name Alfred B. Britton, with B being for Brud. When my father was born, he became Alfred B. Britton Jr, with just B. not standing for anything. Years later, my grandfather went back to the hills to meet his family and he learned that his real name was Henry Sylvester Britton Jr. My father always said he was glad that his dad didn't know his real name until after my father was born! How's that for a down-home story?!!
  19. I would suggest that you email Alden O'Brien at the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in Washington DC. I recently made a trip there to see my gr-gr-gr-gr-great-grandmother's wedding dress from 1762. Alden spent about an hour and a half with me carefully showing me all the details of the dress and explaining what was original and how it had been altered, first for a daughter in the late 1700's and then by my other generations of grandmothers, who wore it for DAR functions uncorsetted. Alden is very knowledgable on historic wedding dresses and is in the process of putting together an exhibit of the wedding dresses in the DAR's collection. You can reach Alden Obrien at aobrien@dar.org ...and if you can manage it, you might like to take Royaliste up on that suggestion of a shipboard wedding, eh?!!! Don't we get to throw the groom in the bay?!!!
  20. Ye wenches did right well!! I be highly impresses with ye!! The one wrongz are the best scores so far of anyone I've asked.. well forced.. to take it. I forced me husband to take it at gunpoint and I damn near thought I'd have to shoot him over the parrot question!!
  21. Plenty more where those came from!! We'll have a crew of about 20 well-armed pirates aboard the Royaliste this weekend! I'll be armed with my Canon of the digital variety!
  22. I know that in France they used to brand thieves with a letter "V" on the forearm. The V stood for voleur, the French word for theif. Children caught stealing would get off "lightly" with this punishment for a first offense. On the second offense they would lose their hand. I noted that in Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp was branded with a letter P for pirate on his forearm and that this was supposedly done by the East India Company. Is there any basis for this in history?
  23. Yeah it is a tough read alright! I have been working my way through The Far Side of the World a little bit at a time. I'm about to begin night classes on top of my day job, so God only knows if I'll get to the end!!
  24. just put a little tacking stitch on each side, down low near the base of the hat, rather than up high near the brim edge, to hold up each of the three sides in the air.
  25. So ye' thinks ye be savvy when it comes to Pirates of the Caribbean? We shall see mates!!! Click the link below and take the Pirates of the Caribbean trivia quiz on-line!! Then tell us how ye fared! Pirates of the Caribbean Trivia Quiz
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