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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. Notice I've got me industrial size rum tankard right thar in me hand !!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! No quarter granted after dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I don't know that even Jack Sparrow would want t' be messin' with a dead ghost pirate!!! Just darkened the original up a bit, should look a wee bit better now. Still have some tweaking to do. I'm thinking of trying my hand at turning Saber's photo into one of the decomposing cursed pirates on the back cover!!
  3. No problem Scup! I spoke with the lad's mum today and told her about how all these good-hearted pirates wanted to send him treasure and that it would take a few days to gather up. His mum was VERY touch and said that he would be SOOOOOOOOOO excited when it arrives!!
  4. I thought ye' rogues would get a chuckle out o' this. I'm taking a photoshop class and we were instructed to design a DVD cover. So.... Ta-dum!!! Here ye' are. Me imaginary version of the sequel to POTC! I have the back and the spine yet to do and will post them when they are done. That be me'self or'e there top left in ghost make-up, and that be the Royaliste down thar at the bottom.
  5. NEWSFLASH!! In addition to the Californian being docked at Jack London, Captain Gary just confirmed that the Royaliste will be there as well!! HUZZAH!! What that means is that if any of you would like to join us in costume 9am -12 noon Saturday volunteering, then we'll go out for a sail in the afternoon and also have the option to sleep overnight on the ship! Then you'll be right there for all the pirating we're going to do Sunday on the pier from 9am - 4pm!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! PIRACY ROCKS!!!!!!
  6. Checking now..... Oooooooooooooooooo!!!!! VERY cool! (and it's intact too!!)
  7. Wildhaired wench... The sea battle was Aug 29th. (see the photos under the "Sail Ho!" topic. ) Or are you saying you'd like to join us for the Jack London Square event on Sept 6 & 7? If so, please email me immediately at talesofthesevenseas@hotmail.com so I can get the necessary info to you so that you and the kids can participate. How old are your kids? We love having kids at our guild events, but due to live weaponry, slippery decks and deep water, I'm afraid we don't take small children out on the water. Or are saying you're just coming to visit the Californian and Royaliste,? If so, I'll enjoy meeting you. Please introduce yourself to me. I'll be the pirate wench in red and black. But if you want to participate, please email me ASAP.
  8. Rosalinda, The compass and Galileo thermometer arrived this morning. I took the compass out of the modern box, since it has such a great period style drawstring bag, I'm going to put it in just that. Wow! WHAT A GREAT COMPASS!! Very cool!!! I am assuming that the Galileo thermometer arrived all in one piece because it's not leaking! But I don't want to disturb the packing, so I'll send it in it's existing box. Mad Mary, I've added you to the list m'dear!
  9. Saber, myself and Sasha will be there and I'm re-gathering info from people who are coming to the event on the pier for the Californian beforehand, so that we'll have an accurate headcount of whose sailing and/or sleeping aboard. Looking forward to the Jack London Square Shore Leave!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
  10. Ok I added you to the list. I don't know where in OR, I just know his mom on-line. Never met them in person.
  11. This makes me think of an old song; "....she floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee! She moves like the the witch of San-Fran! And calls to the OTHER GUY I'M ROY-AL-IIIIIIIIIISTE!!!!!!!!! Catch me if you can!" Yeeeeeeow baby!!!
  12. Awesome!! Thanks Rosalinda! I really appreciate all the interest everyone has taken in this!
  13. Thank-you Red Maria!! Thank-you Scupper!!! I've added all of you to the well wishes list of names that will be sent out. If anyone else would just like to add their name as wishing him well in the next few days while all his goodies arrive, just post here. Again, hearty thanks!!
  14. Well wenches.... what thinks ye o' the captain now?!!! Hmmmmmmm?!!!!
  15. *Sweeps hat from head, bowing low* Many thanks to ye' Darkmalkin!!!!
  16. I just happened to have a sashes AND Mardi Gras beads!! What a fine treasure this is turning out to be!!! Ye pirates ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR the best!!
  17. Cool! I'll type of some sort of certificate if that is good with you... something along the lines of "Be it known to all that see the words hereto inscribed; that the notorious pirate hereafter known by the name of "Madman Michael", is hereby entitled to redeem this document for a sail aboard the piratical vessel known 'The Royaliste'. " And then location and contact info. Sound good Cap'n? They are out of state, so I don't know if this will be redeemed anytime soon, but you never know!
  18. Sounds great!!! I'll put everyone down that is on this thread so far (unless someone requests otherwise) and anyone else who would like their pirate name added to send well-wishes, post here and I'll put you on.
  19. Before I send it, I'll post a photo of the little pirate's treasure trove when it is all put together
  20. Yes, I have the $$ amounts for loss of this a limb at my other desk and was going to put that in the package- It will go great with Scupper's dubloons done up in a special drawstring bag I have. :-)
  21. The little pirate is a 7 year old boy named Michael. Thanks everyone... this is awesome. His mom emailed me today and said he would be thrilled to get a treasure from the pirates!! I'll keep you posted on what is put together and I'll definitely let everyone know what his response was! Thanks again!!! I think I'll add in a piece of that hardtack I got just for fun, with a note to his mom not to let him try to bite into it!! -Claire
  22. Had to snicker over that classic Freudian slip DuCouer!! That was great!! I agree Kate Winslet would be a great heroine, maybe Drew Barrymore too? And Walkin gets my vote for a villian- I think that Gary Busey would also make a good one
  23. I tell ya'.... these things would be DEADLY fired out of a cannon!!! But you know, I may have to see if we can get a game of Hardtack Mini-Frisbee going at Ojai- anyone wanna play?
  24. Arrrrrrgh!! That was me posting above as Saber, I didn't realize I was on his login! Great ideas- I could make a map and scorch the edges to make it look good. Big "X" marks the spot and such! I got the Jolly Roger ball cap at Hot Topic just today, and I'll be sure to include some of the POTC temporary tattoos we still have- I'd forgotten about them. Actually, my son was saying if he was a little kid who had just lost 2 fingertips he would think a hook was really cool, but since I only know this friend through the internet, I'd prooooooobably better not risk that one! ps Rosalinda... just messaged you with an address. Thanks!
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