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British Prison Ships in Halifax Harbor
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Shipwright
I found out also that Revolutionary prisoners were detained in a single story building on Hollis St. in Halifax. Any info on this also would be greatly appreciated. -
Can anyone suggest a source of information on the British prison ships that were docked in Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia? American Revolutionary prisoners were kept in deplorable conditions on these ships- I'm trying to discover if my ancestor was kept on one during his imprisonment (he was an active revolutionarly) in August of 1775 Here's one article on Halifax Harbor prison ships
OK next question- anyone have any good sources for info on American Revolutionaries who privateered in Nova Scotia? It is beginning to look like my grandpa may have been out dabbling in a bit of privateering when he was captured in 1775
Thanks Scupper, I'm already in touch with the Medford historical society and have all the known info that they have. This stuff is digging way deep into the part of my ancestor's hstory that wasn't talked about afterwards. Not a happy chapter in their lives, so it was swept under the carpet and virtually forgotten by history, while all the attention was focused on their successes during the Revolution. What I'm seeking are prison records from Nova Scotia at this point. But thanks!!!
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Ooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I don't know but he is age 7. Lemme see what I can find out. -
We beat this one pretty much to death on the other thread- the term "Nazi" is not applied to a person who wears historically accurate costuming, but to a person who imposes what he/she believes to be historically accurate on others by way of belittling insults and criticism. Being historically accurate does not make you a Nazi- being nasty to people does! Correct me if I 'm wrong Captain, but I think what Royaliste meant was that even the nastiest of the Nazis were satisfied by the site he suggested.
OK gang here's the scoop- it is an Angelfire website. The link is good, but it only allows a minimal number of people to look at it, then it closes down for a while due to excessive bandwidth usage... meaning, they want her to pay for more bandwidth. We'll have to wait a while and it will come back on line. There is a note on the error page that says it has been temporarily suspended and will be back on line in 2 hours.
Here you are- Photos and a video, from the Jack London Square event. These are courtesy of Sasha, the pirate you see firing the flintlock (her first time!) and doing the fencing (just six months of fencing but off to a great start!) The people in the photos are as follows: Saber - big guy, white shirt, black headscarf Poison Quill - red and black wench dress Sasha - black hat, green jerkin Patt - tall pirate with brown vest, black hat Paul - short brown hair, black breeches, white shirt Crossbow - fencing in the leather jerkin and the mask with a skull on it Royaliste's Captain - wearing all white (too warm for that new jacket!!) First Mate Raul - Dark hair, blue tank top 'Quill's mom - sitting next to Saber, black shirt, white pants, sunglasses 'Quill's aunt - standing next to 'Quill's mom black pants/sweater, white shirt and sunglasses http://www.angelfire.com/alt/setithegreat/...Sep03/Pics.html
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Darkmalkin, Your package with the Jack Sparrow beads just arrived! What a well dressed pirate he'll be!! -
Try "A Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor". It was written in 1819 by Darcy Lever. He wrote it for every new sailor because of the harsh treatment he recieved from a superior officer when he asked him a question. He was belittled and made to feel foolish, but it became the inspiration for his book. The book was written as a how-to manual of tall ship sailing. When a young crewman heard a term he didn't understand, he could quietly look it up in his book later and be prepared for the next time. I'm sure it bailed out many new sailors in it's day and it is just as useful for those of us who are literally "learning the ropes" on tall ships. It is beautifully illustrated, and a fine example of technical writing and technical drafting, designed to make a complicated process clearly understood by it's reader.
I've come to realize in teaching and in all things, that the old addage "you can't please all of the people all of the time" is very true. We pirates 'll jest keep doin' arrrrrrrrr own thing as always! As long as we keep getting that sparkle in the little kid's eyes and the smiles and laughs from the kids at heart in their 90's, that's all that really matters. And the Royaliste was sure turning heads- all the talk on the dock from the public with the two ships side by side was about the pirate ship!!
I just got an email from the organization hosting the event, whom I asked to forward an email to the Californian. They said forget it, that the Californian got plenty of other publicity and that they were glad to see Tales of the Seven Seas got a good write-up out of our appearance. We were then asked us to come for the visit of the tall ship Gloria, but we were unfortunately already committed to be in Ojai and had to decline. So it's all good and no more worries over ruffled feathers. So alls well that ends well... eh wot?
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Thanks both of yezzzz!! I'm holding off a few more days as it means all the more treasure for the pirate tyke! -
The pirates at Traffic Court got all my dubloons this month... I'm just lucky they didn't hang me or flog me! But come payday... I'm in! I was just thinking that when it comes out, I'd like to talk to a friend who has as 10' tall screen and DVD projector in his home about hosting a pirate party. We have a parade on Dec 7th... maybe a video screening party after the parade eh?
Yeah I didn't read the article until Sunday night. I have a feeling that the press went with what they thought would attract attention to the article, and thanks to POTC, that's piracy. I heard lots of people talking pirates while they were aboard the ship and you're right, the kids especially, just love pirates. We even had a little guy come both days and the second day he showed up in a pirate hat! On Sunday, the public turn-out was very large and many people said they came out after reading the article. On the one side of the dubloon that's great, but... I did feel badly that the focus of the article was distracted from the ships. That truely should have been the focus. We pirates were there to draw attention to them, not away from them. I also wanted to make it clear to the crew of the Californian that we never stated that we intended to commandeer their ship. Ouch. What we said was that we were going sailing aboard the Royaliste. Big difference. Talk about skewing the facts, eh? So I sent off an email this morning to be forwarded to the crew. I guess it's not a bad idea, if we're promoting a ship or organization, to remind a reporter that we'd like the focus to be on the subject being promoted. But then again, as badly as the facts got twisted in this case, do you think they'd listen? As happy as I am over being able to catch the press' eye and our pirate's being featured so prominently, I'm feeling a bit badly about it too.
Yeah, they definitely screwed up the facts- We were talking about the Royaliste of course!! Whom they failed to mention.
Hearty thanks go out to Captain Gary and First Mate Raul of the Royaliste for yet another awesome day on the bay! I'm taking Sasha, one of our pirates who flew in from San Diego for the event, to the airport, but I'm asking Saber to post a synopsis of the weekend's events.
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Nah, lets just mail it. Well over 100 miles away. But that was very kind of you both to offer!! -
:angry: How 'bout I takes a few pictures?!!!
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
*sniffle* *wipes eyes* Well lass, if partin' with a treasure like that don't earn ye' a righteous set o' angel wings when ye' gets t' heaven I don't know what would! Me hat is off to ye' lass, that be one o' the kindest acts o' piracy I think I've heard of! :) -
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Iron Bess, My oh my oh my!!! You package of treasures for Michael just arrived! Such cool stuff!!! And the POTC Aztec coin is absolutely to DIE FOR!!! I will find a good chain for it. Do you wear one with your costume? That would make a great (and highly recognizable!) addition! -
Jabber about "Pirates of the Caribbean"
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Jamaica Rose's topic in Pyrate Pop
Off to see POTC yet again tonight!! One of my most loyal pirate gals is flying up from San Diego for the Jack London Square event. She hasn't seen it yet, because she's been waiting for a time when she could go in costume. So I've got my wench wear out in the car and I'm picking her up at the airport! This will be my 5th time, second one in costume. :angry: -
Li'l Pirate lost fingertips, sending treasure
TalesOfTheSevenSeas replied to Saber's topic in Scuttlebutt
Honestly, that would be the mom's call, since I don't know her in person, just on line. Where are you guys located and we'll figure it out from there if it is do-able. -
Aye lads! I been rattlin' windows 'bout town with POTC as well! What I be reeeeeeeeeally lookin' ferward to is when we get our parade float done- sailin' down the streets o' the town, cutlass raised, music blarin' and cannon's blastin' confetti, tauntin' the landlubbers on the sidewalks!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! A PIRATE'S LIFE FER ME!!!!!!!!! :angry: