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Everything posted by TalesOfTheSevenSeas

  1. *Whew!!* What a day!! Well crew, the infamous "Land Shark" is safely berthed in the back yard, after a long haul from Rancho Cordova CA, through the Sacramento and Silicon Valleys, then our long climb up the mountain home. Soon, she'll begin her "extreme makeover" and be transformed in to a pirate vessel, in time for the San Jose Holiday Parade on Dec. 7th. The Land Shark is large and quite heavy, we're guessing about 2500 lbs. and from bow to stern, she is 17 feet long. We were very glad to find that the trailer is in great shape. It is large, sturdy, has fully functional lights and tows like a dream. The tires were too worn for us to want to try to make the long drive with them, So we bought new tires in Rancho Cordova before we ever went down the freeway. Bob's truck performed like a champ. The old gal is a '89 Mazda pickup with 150K+ miles on the original 4 cylinder engine. Hauling a big heavy boat like this in hot weather through the valleys, then up a steep mountain road was quite a task. Once we got home, Saber then had the task of maneuvering her backwards down our narrow driveway, and carefully easing her between the redwoods and the propane tank. As wide as she is, there was only a few inches on each side at some places. Saber did a very impressive job of bringing her in. *Raises her tankard* "A toast.....To Saber for bringing her in safely!!! And to the homecoming of the Land Shark!! May she terrorize the concrete waterways of Silicon Valley!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" *glug-glug-glug!*
  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Hot salsa/chips Cold margarita *slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!!* Ahhhhhh!
  3. Red Maria, The wonderful Blackbeard the pirate book, How I Became a Pirate poster and tattoo all arrived safe and sound!! Very cool!! :-D
  4. This may seem a bit odd, but I was trying to think of something to represent railings on the decks. It does not have to be the least bit functional, just to get the idea across of a low railing around the decks. I came up with the idea of nailing these flexible garden borders around the deck- they'd be quick and easy and would look ornate. (ground spike removed & painted red) They are very cheap at $3 for a 2' section and could also be sawn into small pieces to use as decorative molding on the cabin, since they are flat-sided. What do you think? True, it's not like an actual ship, but this is in miniature and I was thinking it might make it look a bit more ornate.... By all means shoot this one down if it seems like a bad idea, I'm trying to get an idea on if it might give the right look or not....
  5. Here's the latest update on the parade float - I sent over the VERY rough concept sketch of the "Land Shark" that you see below- It is the photograph of the hull on the trailer, painted over with the piratical improvements we have planned. Since the "debut sail" of the Land Shark will be at the San Jose Holiday Parade, we'll have the ship strung with lights and garland, stockings hanging from the yardarm, a couple of presents on the deck and of course, our skeleton pirate "Jeff" will be properly attired for the occasion in a Santa hat, for a "Christmas on the High Seas" theme! I got an enthusiastic response to the concept sketch and pirate Christmas idea in general. They've made arrangements for a nice, new GMC sponsor car to tow us, instead of our humble '89 Mazda pickup, so that will be nice! We're all set to drive out and pick up the Land Shark tomorrow morning. I confirmed our directions and the seller double checked that the tires are in good shape, holding air and the tail lights all check out OK. Ya' gotta love it for $27.51!! *sings* "Deck the decks with bows of holly, fa-la-la-la-laaaaaaaah, la-la-la-ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! 'Tis the season of Jolly Roger! fa-la-la-la-laaaaaaaah, la-la-la-ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Don we now ARRRR pirate apparrel, fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! As we sing sea shanty carols! fa-la-la-la-la, la- ARRRR, ARRRRR, ARRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
  6. Scupper, I don't think they've set a date for next year's Pirate Faire, this one was only confirmed a few months back. But would you like me to add you onto our mailing list? We do most events in northern CA, but we also do a couple of southern CA and the Blackbeard Festival back east in Hampton VA. I've got several pirates that travel out to join for occasional events us from other states. I can help you pick out what would be most enjoyable out of the things we do.
  7. Thanks Jamaica, I'll get that book! Deacon, hmmmmm.... I wouldn't think that Boston being under British control would have affected word arriving in Boston of John's capture, as he seems to have been imprisoned for some aggression, or perhaps, some act that was viewed as hostile if he was indeed just getting food and hay with a sloop full of rebels Wouldn't a family still receive word of a capture? Particularly when a boat load of buddies from the same town perhaps didn't show up as expected? The capture took place in August and the letter was written in October. My guess is that they guys never showed up wherever they were headed, inquiries were made and sure enough... the guys were discovered to be imprisoned at Halifax. This is total conjecture, but what do you think?
  8. What I like to do is buy large lots of old devalued foreign coins buy the pound. Then the kids I give them to are really curious to know where they came from and I encourage them to look them up on-line when they get home, telling them that they come from different places all over the world. So far, they've been a huge hit. The only time was when I gave pair of kids a couple of Austrian coins. They looked at them rather strangely and then at me. Their mother stepped in and said. "Where did you get these?" and then said "Those are Austrian coins and that's just where we're from!!" they were very surprised to get money from home from an American pirate! So I replaced their Austrian coins with something more exotic!!
  9. Animal, Many thanks!! That was a fine bag o' loot!! Darkmalkin, Awesome... I can't wait to see it!! Captain Grey, Yes, definitely do a pirate visit! Bob and I were discussing organizing a hospital visit if possible here in CA, because the kids get SO excited to see pirates!! I've got a pirate history talk coming up for a group of homeless moms and kids that I do in costume and one for a public library also. Both kids and adults are really interested in pirate history and I've also done children's pirate story times at the library. Every time I get a great response!! Sadly no, the finger tips (to the first knuckle) were not able to be reattached. They were lost in a bike chain accident and I guess they were beyond being salvageable. But his mom says he's doing well, healing nicely and no infection.
  10. !!! Re-examining....!!! I think it says "...& sent word to Boston" which would make total sense that news would come through there as her family was all there. Good call on Boston Deacon!! Maybe we can decipher the rest as well! Thanks!! Here is the quote from the book “Medford in the Revolution." “...Owing to insufficient food and housing the summer of 1775 was very sickly, and was especially fatal to the little ones. Out of fifty-six deaths recorded, twenty-three were children.” (Mary, Sarah's daughter, died in October)
  11. Wow, thanks for taking such an interest Deacon! I agree with you, in looking back at the style of Sarah's "B" in "Bay" agree, the letter appears to say "Boston" rather than the second incidence of "Dawson". I do have some info about the conditions in MA at that time. (gotta get it from my other computer.... see next post....)
  12. I just recieved a box full of wonderful Seattle Seafair Pirates pins, eyepatches, tattoos and even plastic bloodshot eyeballs to wear!! (man-o-man can a seven year old kid have fun with those, eh?!!) But there was no note, and I'm not quite sure which pirate to thank for these treasures.
  13. Ye' should have a message with me addressed inscribed upon it by now. I will be a-lettin' ye' know when yer package arrives
  14. More on Deacon Frye's info.... Found the source document at Pilgrim Hall and will look more into that. Thanks! It's a year after my ancestor, but may very well be the same Dawson who appears to have captured my grandfather.
  15. Deacon Frye, Dawson is mentioned in Sarah's letter!!!!! Looks like you may be onto something here!! Your source is listed as NDAR, I'm guessing you meant NSDAR (National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution) But could you please point me to what document this quote comes from please? This is awesome... THANK-YOU!!! Animal, The copy above is the best and clearest scan available. You'll have to try to enhance that, if possible, I'm afraid. The original is in the George Washtington Papers Collection in the Library of Congress. I visited it and the ones written by John Fulton also. (I'll post those next) the letters are not even allowed to be touched by human hands to maintain their preservation. I'm afraid we'll have to work with what we've got. I posted the largest scan. Thanks and good luck working with that!!
  16. OK here's the scoop on La Contessa. It was built on-site at Burning Man with a grant to fund it. Check out the article.... pretty interesting! The Building of La Contessa
  17. Yeah I have no idea how these guys got it out into the middle of the desert for burning man. Must have been quite a feat!! I don't know what they use it for other than at burning man.
  18. Darkmalkin, Michael wears a size 7-8 shirt... would the coat fit?!!!
  19. We're ready to pick up the "Land Shark" on Saturday. I had a heck of a time finding a ball hitch to fit Saber's pick up, but I finally located one today and we're good to go on Saturday. A pirate emailed me with the photos below of a ship that was at Burning Man this year- The Contessa is some kind of combination between a double-decker bus and an old wooden ship! This ship actually drives! They had it strung with lights , a live band on deck and rum a-flowing at Burning Man, from what he tells me!! Do you think they drove it there? Can't imagine it's street legal....
  20. I didn't see it on first inspection.... lemme look now...... YES!!! It's here too! Very cool!! :)
  21. Scupper, I sure wish it was every day that I opened a package and had gold coins come spilling out!! Your package of gold coins, copy of Treasure Island and a very cool drawstring bag filled with some very authentic looking pirate coins and treasure jewels arrived safe and sound!! Thanks! Darkmalkin, I have not heard back from Michael's mom on his size.
  22. No, I'm not a research librarian, I teach computer aided drafting and I manage the drafting and general education departments for a vocational college. But I've always been a history junkie and have been researching the revolutionaries in my family for about 15 years. These letters were a recent discovery when the George Washington collection was put on-line. The Library of Congress scanned 65,000 pieces of personal papers and put them all in a searchable database. If anyone's interested, here is the story. Sarah and John Fulton knew Washington. He visited them at home to honor Sarah for her contributions to the revolution. John was one of the Sons of Liberty. Sarah's brother Nathaniel's home at Hollis and Tremont Streets is where the Boston Tea party was planned, and John, Nathaniel and Sarah's brothers David and Josian were among those known to have dumped tea in the harbor. Sarah and Nathaniel's wife dressed them in their costumes and had to hide them from British soldiers who came looking for the rabble-rousers later. Sarah is also credited with having aided wounded soldiers at Bunker Hill and she did a bit of battlefield surgery, removing a bullet from a soldier's cheek. Her biggest claim to fame took place when John was asked to deliver dispatches to George Washington. John was sick, so Sarah volunteered to go in his place. She delivered the dispatches under cover of darkness and "borrowing" a boat to cross the Mystic River. She arrived home safely after her mission and stood on her doorstone to watch the sunrise that morning. That doorstone is now her grave marker. Sarah is also know for an episode in which John was bringing in a load of wood for the American troops. He was stopped by British soldiers who took that wood. When he came home empty-handed, Sarah ran out the door after the cart. She caught up to it, and turned the oxen around by the horns. The British soldiers threatened to shoot her and she shouted back "Shoot away!" at them. Apparently, in that day and age, they were so blown away by that, that they just sat there on the cart and Sarah hauled them in, where they were taken into custody. So she's also credited with their capture. We only recently found out that after his release from imprisonment in Nova Scotia, that in 1780, John went back and did a spy mission in preparation for an attack on Fort Halifax. I have those letters and transcriptions also. If you guys enjoy puzzling over Sarah's I'll post John's also. We never knew about the 1775 and 1780 involvements in Nova Scotia until I found the letters. The only reference I found in 15 years was a single line that read that John Fulton had been imprisoned with his relative, Robert Fulton. That was it. Then I found the letter above and a whole forgotten story came to light. I'm up for any ideas you have on Canadian / Nova Scotia / Halifax / British Naval archives / St. Mary's Bay history info. I'd also like to hear what your thoughts are.... I think Sarah's letter says the men were in Nova Scotia getting food and hay, but just how likely is it that a boatload of active revolutionaries were all the way up in Nova Scotia where a whole lot of privateering was going on, simply to get food and hay? Or do you think the letter says something else? I just can't make it out, even after seeing the original a few months back in Washington DC. (I also got to see Sarah's wedding dress at the DAR Museum)
  23. (use lower scroll bar) Here is a copy of my gr-gr-gr-gr-great Grandmother's letter, which describes to George Washington what my gr-gr-gr-gr-great Grandfater was doing up in Nova Scotia. There are some words, represented by parenthesis below that I can't quite figure out. The writing becomes very "stressed" as she tells what happened to her husband. Her daughter had died only two days before she wrote this. Any of you who would like to take a stab at filling in the blanks for me, I'd greatly appreciate your help! Here is my transcription and below is the scanned image of the actual letter. Transcription of Sarah Fulton’s Letter to George Washington: To his Honor: Major General Washington Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America. Honored Sir, We your humble petitioners beg leave to lay our pitiful circumstances before you and entreat your favors. We would hope from your Elevated Station and goodness that something may be done in our favor. In the month of August in the present year, Misters Robert Fulton, Robert Clarke, Joseph Berry (or Barny?) Thomas ( ) and our husbands, with John Patten, William Patten and David ( ), young men, went in a Sloop east and as far as St. Mary's Bay, in the Province of Nova-Scotia, to get (Food?) (&) (Hay?) for themselves & were unfortunately ( ) upon by two Sloops of War, Cap. (Dawson?), Cap. Graves ( ) ( ) ( ) of ( ) & ( ) send ( ) to (Dawson?). We have, some of us, large families of children & are unable to help ourselves or them. Our Friends & Neighbors, (tho' never do a thing?), can afford us but little (charity?) by reason of the great scarcity of Provisions occasioned by the Drought, the severity of the Land, & trade having stopped- We entreat you, honor'd Sir, to give our petitions a gracious hearing: & if you please, upon the Redemption of Captives to favor the above aforemention’d Persons it will cause our Hearts to sing with Joy. Sarah Fulton. Jannet Berry (or Barny). ( )( ). Hannah Harvard ( ) on October 12. 1775 from Sarah Fulton et al Sarah Fulton & others
  24. Thanks Captain Weaver, that's the right idea on prison ships, but the ones I'm after are in Nova Scotia, probably the ones in Halifax Harbor. My best guess is that he would have been imprisoned either in the building on Hollis St. in Halifax or on the prison ships in Halifax Harbor. I'm trying to locate a history organization that deals with them and has info on them and perhaps any surviving prisoner roles if I am lucky.
  25. The pirate fair has a smaller turn out of non-pirate guests, so it is not as large-scale as the renaissance faires and similar events. It does, however, attract just about every pirate group in the state. So you'll get to meet us all. It is not big size-wise or crowd-wise, but it is 100% pirate! Yeah, the queens there too, and a handful of court people, but there is a very good, very colorful turn out of pirates. We've got a headcount of about 22 for Tales of the Seven Seas so far.
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