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Captain Jack

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Everything posted by Captain Jack

  1. Aye! Me an' Nyre (Pam) wants ta thank The Royalliste, 'is first mate, Quill an' Saber fer allowin' us ta come aboard. Twas a grand time raidin' San Francisco an' a glorious battle at sea. The best time me wife an me 'as 'ad in a long time! Me seconds Redd <raises tankard> Thanks ta all of the fine folk that we met an' 'ad the good fortune ta meet in person! The next round be on me
  2. Aye! Welcome back...me be gettin' the first round.
  3. Thanks fer the hearty welcome! Looks like I be runnin' with a fine dastardly lot! So lets hoist our drink and find a ship to board and plunder...Arrrrrr! :)
  4. Me is a magician by trade and started using a pirate character called Captain Jack a little over four years. Currently me is anchored in Sacramento, California. Me has known about this board for awile, but me figured twas time to get off me binacle and join in order to chat with other sea dogs and perhaps meet up with a few. So hoist yer drinks and make some noise And if yer in the mood, click on the following link: Captain Jack's Home Page About two-thirds of the way down, there is a link for an interactive magic trick with Captain Jack!
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