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Captain Jack

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Everything posted by Captain Jack

  1. Jack n Nyre wishes ye a very happy BD Bess!
  2. Happy BD Captain! Jack & Nyre
  3. Here's to a great & happy bd Stitch
  4. It raises me blood pressure to the boiling point when anyone makes public something which is to be kept in confidence. Certainly hope this doesn't come back and bite ye. Do keep us posted on your status. And I echo the Royaliste...
  5. 'appy b-day mate! Many more to come
  6. I like all of those and... I like "down perisope" with Kelsey Grammer. I always like to see this one. Cracks me up it does! :) Iron Bess told me an mine about "swashbuckler" with Robert Shaw and James Earl Jones. It just arrived the other day. Seen it once...kinda like cutthroat island (campy, but fun).
  7. Have a grat one matey!
  8. A little late for the group photo, but my motherboard died and I just got my computer back up. In the words of Cartman: "I..............am..............getting........ ......so..............pi**ed..............off..............right..............no w! *bangs on keyboard* STUPID COMPUTER"
  9. Cool handywork there merrydeath! :) I have one of the Disney pirate antenna balls. I used black pipe cleaner to make a stick figure. He's sittin' on my desk at work. Going to have to make one of these. Could be Captain Stick's first mate eh?
  10. Just received mine yesterday! Way kewl
  11. Dread Pirate Kidd
  12. mmmmmmmmm.......p-y-r-a-t-e...b-o-o-t-y <drool>
  13. That's great!
  14. Hey Redd, Jack always be set, backs to the wall, pistols out, ready ta 'elp out ol' Redd!
  15. I use Lamplight Feather they carry a variety of feathers: Peacock Feathers Ostrich Feathers Pheasant Feathers Feather Boas Hat Plumes Marabou Feather Trim Rooster Hackle Coque (rooster tail) Reasonable prices.
  16. That's a great job there TTD! :)
  17. Originally the pirates were auctioning off wenches and chasing wenches all over the town. Women's groups complained so they changed the women to chickens. So the pirates were auctioning off poultry and chasing poultry. Good news is they changed it back. Last time I went they didn't have all the original stuff, but it was pretty darn close. I remember riding it when the ride first came out and after the "change."
  18. Be bringin' me BIG empy chest ta 'elp ye out on that one says I! :) Be keepin' a weather eye out fer yer message matey. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  19. Thankee Quill fer the honorable mention. :) Hey Redd, the link to my website Click Here for Pyrate Magic...the other link sends ye to another guy Drop me an email if yer wantin me 'elp.
  20. Aye agree with PirateQueen. Those be the words I have. Been usin' them for a few years closing me shows.
  21. 'Tis a beaut Quill! Nyre said "WOOOWWWWWWW!" Me feels me pocketbook gettin' lighter already
  22. I found these desktop themes and they are pretty cool: Cutthroat Island POTC Downloads are free and good for either IBM or Mac
  23. Aye! Look forward to it. Just let us know what time ye want us there.
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