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Everything posted by DirectorDave

  1. Ahoy, Mateys! I'd be settin' sail on my new feature film -- a pyrated version of the adventure of "Treasure Island" come late February. Though the budget be small, the vision is large, and I would be needing a fine pyrate vessel to be my set. Alas, there'd be little treasure in it for anyone (as the budget is less than the sword budget on "Pirates of the Caribbean"), but I'm hoping that the Goddess of the Sea is kind, that you'll join me in a real adventure of sorts. I'd be land locked in Southern California, but I could set sail up and down the Pacific coast if the ship be strong. The feature starts in late February and I'd be needin' the ship for four days. It doesn't have to sail. Yes, I'll be posting for a motley crew soon, but ye should wait until I get my ship in order. A hearty thank you to all!
  2. I want to gorge myself in Pyrate films over the holidays. With that in mind, what are your top 3 pyrate films of all time?
  3. No insult at all! My limited understanding is that a privateer is an independent contractor (not necessarily a pirate), while a pirate is also an independent contractor, but someone who acts in an unlawful way (to put it nicely). Does that cover it, or am I waaaaay off?
  4. Would any of the key figures of the American Revolution (including Washington) have ever interacted with or commissioned pyrates?
  5. I'm pursuing a story about the American armed forces recruiting pyrates to fight the British fleet during the American Revolution. I was told that they did this because a Navy did not exist at the time, and Pyrates were the best resources. True? Or just an ol Pyrate's tale...
  6. Wait. So what your saying is that Jolly Roger isn't the zombie pirate that came back from the dead to collect his stolen gold in Southern California as depicted in my horror film JOLLY ROGER? Damn it. I thought we fact checked and everything. I think I'll have to fire some people in the morning. (Sorry, I couldn't resist. I know this is a serious thread. I'll stop with my late night humor so you can go back to what's important. I just couldn't resist, that's all - Latt (producer, JOLLY ROGER)
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